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Everything posted by BoD

  1. As long as they don't come flat packed, no problem. Moning all Why is it that when José Mourinho doesn't shave for a few days he looks rugged and sophisticated but when I don't, I look like a dirty old tramp. It's one of the few mysteries of life still left to be solved.
  2. Women don't scare me ....................... .....Mr S. said I was allowed to say that.
  3. York was very good, as usual Mike. I managed to pick up quite a few 'bits and pieces' none of which I really needed and most of which will probably end up in a draw/cupboard for attention at a future date. I just can't help it. I thinkI need a list.
  4. Morning all Whatever it was Dave I'm sure we are all glad that you are still able to report it.
  5. So they did do the hair transplant too.
  6. Funnily enough I have about 6 Cambrian versions waiting to be built. I bought them just before Hornby announced that they were going to do theirs (why does that always happen?) so they were put on the back burner. If there is a supply problem then perhaps it is time to get them out again.
  7. I'm off to York this morning. Just going to have an easy drive down, browse a little then will probably drive back through the North Yorks Moors, stopping of at Hasty Bank on the way. I will try to walk up to the Wainstones if it is not too late. I've never let being spent up stop me before. It upsets my bank manager but what the hell - you can't take it with you. I'll watch Look North later for reports of field fires.
  8. Morning all No updates from Gordon I hope all is well.
  9. I'm a past master at flurries of useless activity.
  10. Morning all Happy Easter. May the Easter bunny lay copious amounts of eggs for you. I didn't realise there were winners and losers in monopoly. I thought it just went on and on.
  11. Why does that not surprise me? You had better follow their other advice then, you silly old goat. * * I'm on my phone so don't have a winking smiley to go here - but the gist of the message still holds true!!!!!!
  12. Morning all Looks like a fog free morning although it may well roll in with the tide. Daughter went inland yesterday and said sun was baking the pavement, here it was cold and damp. What are the next steps Gordon?
  13. Blimey, thats amazing. Sam will be pleased to see you.
  14. From the BBC local news I mis-read the last word.
  15. Great to hear from you Gordon. Looking forward to reports of how easy it is to chase the nurses now. If you are heading this way Mike make sure your fog lights are working.
  16. Is that similar to train spotting?
  17. Morning all Looks as though it is going to be another pleasant day, weatheriwise. Cold now bordering on man flu. Day two of track laying beckons. Nothing has actually moved yet.
  18. I've often wondered about the environmental cost of constructing, transporting, erecting maintaining and eventually decommissioning wind turbines too......but that's far too serious a topic for the ER forum.
  19. Morning all Monday morning and no work to go to. Relaxing. I don't know how our retired members put up with it. Of course, having a couple of weeks break, I am coming down with the obligatory cold. Track laying should finally start today.
  20. Just back from a surprise eightieth birthday party for mum. It was a surprise to her, not to us, as we knew about it in advance. We had a really pleasant day chatting to some folk we haven't seen for a long time (and usually in more sombre circumstances).
  21. Morning all Does any one know if shops have their Easter eggs on sale yet?
  22. Morning all I don't have to go to work on Monday and the weekend feels much more relaxing already. Strange that, I normally try not to think about plans for the next week until Sunday afternoon but it must always be in the back of the mind anyway. Not this weekend though, all I have to do is worry whether or not I can get some track layed or whether a list will appear instead. I can cope if that's all I have to worry about. Enjoy your weekend folks.
  23. I'm pleased it is at 11. That means no one will mention the tooth-hurty joke. Morning all
  24. Don't ask me how I did that.
  25. Morning all. Clear blue skies this morning here. The Daffodils are over. Didn't seem to last long at all this year. Hope your appointment goes smoothly and as planned Dd. Morning all. Clear blue skies this morning here. The Daffodils are over. Didn't seem to last long at all this year. Hope your appointment goes smoothly and as planned Dd. Don't ask me how I did that.
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