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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I'd never heard of them until today.
  2. Very enjoyable report on your day out Dave. Glad you enjoyed it so much. It is grey here and there is this strange wet stuff falling from the sky in large amounts. Amazing how short memory is - it can't be that long since we were wondering if the rain was ever going to stop.
  3. Yes , very sad about Seve. One small consolation is that we may get to see a programme or two celebrating his life.
  4. Morning all I'm coffeed and papered and ready to go. I've nowhere to go but I'm ready. It would have to be a very, very long handled net for me to even consider nest realignment. You are v. brave DD.
  5. Morning all Grey outside but not cold. Onwards and upwards........
  6. We have just found out that the place where my good lady goes to earn the funds to help pay for my modelling is closing down. They have offered her a reasonable package and to be honest it is for the best as she is spending more and more time looking after her rapidily deteriorating mother. I was trying to persuade her to pack in anyway as she was struggling to do both. This has helped make a decision for us. Will just have to tighten the belts, cut our cloth etc etc. It might be time to get out all of those kits that have been lying around backs of cupboards since the year dot. Glad to hear that you can drive again. Good moos indeed.
  7. Who is hearing the QPR matter? Is it a different body to the one who deals with premiership teams? In which case there might not be a precedent with West Ham. I agree with those questioning why it is only happening now and feeling sorry for the team and especially the supporters. Don't have much sympathy for Bernie Ecclestone though. Whoverer is hearing the case probably wouldn't dare deduct (a lot of) points at this stage give the ramifications it would have with possible appeals, legal challenges and the knock on effect on the play-offs etc. Having said that did I read somewhere that the powers that be are already in talks with those teams involved in the playoffs?
  8. Many happy returns Stewart.
  9. Gordon didn't say anything about actually turning the soldering iron on. He just tweaked it a bit.
  10. Morning all. Zero oktas. This is becoming monotonous.
  11. ....but it helps if you have been.
  12. Yes, they are always butting in.
  13. Good morning folks Another clear blue sky this morning. It has been quite a spell of unbroken good weather. That is worrying.
  14. I too have had an enjoyable day. This involved a run up Weardale (a much underated area) to Alston and the narrow guage railway there. Whilst I was photographing the train along came a black car with a funny camera thing on top. I was told that it was either the riot police or Google's street map thingy. I must keep checking to see if they 'got me' After a pleasant lunch we drove back along quiet back roads. It took longer but the scenery was superb and we didn't see another car for miles. The North Pennines are truly 'England's last wilderness'.
  15. Barred from B&Q?? Who's been a naughty boy then? You didn't oblige when someone said they wanted decking did you?
  16. Good morning all.... ......and what a beautiful morning it is. Went for a (short) walk along the seafront earlier and stood and just watched the sun rise over the sea. A sight that never fails to amaze me no matter how many times I see it. Probably the last time I will do that this year. The sun is starting to get up too early for my liking.
  17. I was impressed by the way the RAF said they would flypast at 1:30 and they flew past at ........... 1:30:00.
  18. Now that surprises me. I've always had you down as a hats, frocks and shoes sort of bloke.
  19. I'll try no to tread in any street parties as I go.
  20. Morning all Even the crossword this morning is full of references to that bloomin wedding. I'm off out for a long walk.
  21. Dave's birthday? Where's my piece of cake. Many happy returns.
  22. Bad news. You missed it, it was on yesterday.
  23. What nuptuals? Have I missed something?
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