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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I’m halfway through what must be close to my least favourite of tasks, cleaning the oven and then the hob. Oven door came straight off this morning and things holding inner glass in place loosened easily so that was a plus. Just having a coffee waiting for the gunge stuff to do its job on the inside. Wire shelves and racks to do next. I hate that bit too. Not a good morning.
  2. The Tuxedo Princess. Many’s the ……. …. no, best not go there.
  3. As long as they didn’t kiss their cox afterwards.
  4. Dear back and hip You leave our Grandad Bob alone. Or else.
  5. Yes, but using your elasticated belt with snake buckle from when you were in junior school?
  6. I think, as suggested earlier the side frames are very slightly different lengths. I laid mine down together lining up the axle boxes (whose spacing isn't thankfully affected by this) and cut/filed to the shorter length. The interesting bit comes when trying to get the hopper fixed in the correct position and square
  7. Some rope and a couple of good Highland Games tug-o-war teams should sort it.
  8. Ooh. We are back. It’s been a while since something like that happened. I think Jamie needs to get his return key unstuck.
  9. I shall impound myself and pound my head against the wall in penitence for the sins of my forefathers.
  10. Valerie and I have been to Assisi a couple of times and I can understand why he might be ‘quite taken’. Even without the religious aspect (and there’s a lot of it about, which is important to Valerie) I found it a quite enchanting place.
  11. Is that 1290 Big Mac pounds sterling or 1290 pounds of Big Mac? If the latter I think I would need two sittings to manage them.
  12. I know the Deltic exchange rate but I wonder how many virgins the Beeb would get for a Lineker. I bet they could get a lot of choral singers too.
  13. Thoughts are with you and yours, Q
  14. Or younger if you or a friend could convince the local grocer/off-licence that you were eighteen. Some didn’t take much convincing at all. Forbidden fruit and all that. I understand that things are much stricter these days with proof of age ID being commonly requested.
  15. That was the one thanks. Perhaps I imagined seeing it at an exhibition and have just seen that video,
  16. I wonder if they would prefer the scenery either on the right or on the ceiling.
  17. I’m sure I have seen a layout/diorama at an exhibition that had the same train running in three different scales, firstly in the foreground, then middle distance and finally in the background. The whole thing was no more than a few inches deep but very effective.
  18. Like many I would look to the left for the scenery first. I am right handed. I'm guessing that most here read left to right. I wonder if that has, subconsciously, something to do with our choice.
  19. The only other photo I have seen of ADB 975077 suggests that you are correct - although it does show the other side. Photo That could be one for the real thing looks like a model thread too. Probably the angle.
  20. I have been fortunate (or have led a very sheltered life) in that I have never been involved in or seen the aftermath of a bad accident. Furthermore the only dead bodies I have ever seen were ‘planned’ sightings of close relatives at or shortly after the point of death - in, despite the circumstances, not unpleasant or distressing surroundings. For all of which I am most thankful.
  21. Was it black and white and red all over? Sorry folks.
  22. I was once given the cane at junior school for doing just that. It was something that we did at home but at school they thought I was just larking about and making a mess.
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