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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I saw that on the BBC news earlier ... frightening.
  2. I had to look up geocaching. Just back from a bog-standard normal walk. Enjoyable and therapeutic.
  3. ......... but unfortunately that person has gone. I've heard those words used about a few people recently. They are some of the saddest words I have ever heard.
  4. Funny but very sad just about sums it up DD. Fortunately, at least I think its fortunate, we can visit MiL a couple of times a day, which she needs at the moment. Our latest game is to guess who she will think we are. Usually my wife ends up as one of her older sisters (all long gone) or her mother (even longer gone). The other day I was 'that man off the telly'. On other occassions though she is as bright as a button and fully aware. Right, I'm off now for my walk.
  5. Good morning all. Clear blue skies here. I feel the siren call of the Moors or the Dales. A good walk is exactly what I need. Must remember to wear a hat to protect the bald bits.
  6. Nice one Pete. I did just that and they didn't even bat an eyelid.
  7. Thought I'd have a run out and spend some time at Carlisle station. Interesting few hours. BUT have just been to the model shop and spent more than I intended. Question: what's the best way to sneak it in when I get back.
  8. 'take five to lift it' Watch that back of yours Gordon.
  9. Morning all The sun has got his hat on hip-hip-hip-hooray.
  10. Surprising. I'm not that much further east. It didn't clear from here until about 4 and even then we had heavy showers.
  11. Morning all Yesterday was a bit of a washout Don. It rained all day here so I spent most of the day tidying up the loft and study in anticipation of doing some more modelling this week. I can even find things now. I have really gone to seed this winter but reading about an early morning ride in the forest makes me want to get my bike out again. Trouble is, it will probably need more of a service than I do. Do other cyclists here find it difficult to take that first step to actually get ready and get on the bike but once they are out there thoroughly enjoy it? Walking is the same with me these days.
  12. Amazing wasn't it? I watched the Championship play off and flicked over to see what highlights/replay they were showing. When I saw the score I just assumed that it was some replay or other. It took a few seconds to dawn that it was actually live.
  13. I'm puzzled about this FIFA business. One of them is accused of offering bribes for votes, which he denies. BUT this same bloke accused Blatter of knowing about this and not reporting him (for doing something that he says he hasn't done). Is it just me?
  14. It's posted it again again
  15. Morning all Sky looking ominously dark at the moment. Paper shop doesn't open until seven by which time it will probably be splashing down. Happy bank holiday weekend all. Morning all Sky looking ominously dark at the moment. Paper shop doesn't open until seven by which time it will probably be splashing down. Happy bank holiday weekend all.
  16. Great to hear from you Don. Relieved that it was just a computer glitch to blame.
  17. Tell her to have a read of ERs Robert. I'm sure her perception of you would change considerably. Best of luck, anyway.
  18. I received lots of red stars. My teacher wasn't a very good artist as she drew them with just four points.
  19. Perhaps they have all been raptured.
  20. I'm at my best in the early mornings. Well, for thirty minutes anyway. After that it's all downhill. Morning all.
  21. Why did your dog have a cat scan? Seriously though, glad to hear that it looks as though it is a (relatively) simple problem with a solution available.
  22. We can't help it if we are all shorter than you.
  23. Glad to see you're on a roll DD. Welcome back. Lack of posts from Don does make one wonder about his well being. Morning all
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