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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Congratulations T&A. It is our 25th this year. We were hoping to do something special but it has had to be put on hold until such time as Valerie's mam doesn't need so much attention.
  2. Morning all Raining. Hope young Rory can hold it together this time. V. impressive so far.
  3. Is it a washing machine?
  4. It happens at all levels doesn't it? We've lost Henderson to Liverpool A scaling up of the prices is the only difference. Actually I think we got a good deal getting 20M for him.
  5. ........I hope to have a good once, twice and hopefully a few more too. Deo volente. Morning all. Beautiful clear blue skies here today. I thought the drought was supposed to end this weekend.
  6. So did my hot, sultry woman.
  7. Sorry to hear about your friend Gordon. I'm sure the right man is on the case. Well here we go. One baa two three baa baa........
  8. I need to invest in a repeater as I can't get ERs in the bathroom.
  9. How did you do that Tony? All my double posts are consecutive
  10. Good morning all Insomnia strikes here now. I've counted the sheep - twice.
  11. I hear the TMS team nearly had another Johnners leg over moment. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-13693904
  12. Very nice too. I've often wondered if those miniature Locos have to be tested to any standards or is it down to trusting the engineer who built them.
  13. Is mixed grill a suitable flavour for cup-a-soup?
  14. Its a sticky business, this inconsequential chatter.
  15. We need Aditi to trim it down for us.
  16. Good morning people. All being well I am off to the NRM at Shildon this morning. The local model railway club is holding an exhibition there. Layouts and traders spread amongst the exhibitions. A coffee shop too. It doesn't get much better railway wise. Have a good day one and all.
  17. But surely then it would be unredble
  18. I've just dropped a slice of bread and butter and it landed butter side up. This is a first for me.
  19. Morning all I never suggested using WD40 on the bike. Re- read my post :P
  20. A quick squirt of WD40 usually does the trick.......oh sorry, just noticed, it was the bike that seized.
  21. On the East Coast main line near the Northumberland coast and Holy island.
  22. Where did you say you went to last December?
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