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Everything posted by BoD

  1. A fete worse than death?
  2. Morning all Looks like another fine day in the offing. Your report and photos certainly make me look forward to seeing some of it in the flesh. With the summer break coming up I hope to get at least a couple of days over there. Any particular "don't miss" recommendations?
  3. .....you bear it well. Hope it is sorted soon.
  4. Morning alL Don't worry - as the retirement age has gone up to 66 Murray still has another 42 years to win it.
  5. Whenever something goes wrong the 'powers that be' issue strict guidelines just to show that they are taking action. What on earth is a strict guideline?
  6. That sounds like the mobile site version you are viewing - there is a link to the full version at the bottom of each page . Have you altered your cookie settings in the settings section of your phone?
  7. I have been accessing the mobile version via Safari today with no problems. I haven't accessed the full site version for a while though.
  8. Morning all Blue skies and sunshine here. We seem to have missed out on the thunder and rain. Enjoyed listening to that Jam.
  9. They seem to be advertising 5ft King Size matresses. I didn't know we had 5ft Kings Our royal family are either very short or very wide. Or both.
  10. It's ok Jam. We just assumed that it was a hangover.
  11. My dew point is at the end of my nose.
  12. I opened all of the windows earlier and it got even warmer in the house. Very, very muggy at the moment. I wonder why one never reads the headline 'Psychic Wins Lottery'.
  13. Is AM really a serious candidate for replacing JJ in your affections DD?
  14. No, but it might make your windolene
  15. I quite liked the blurb I once read on a bottle of water. Naturally filtered by porous rocks and stored in underground aquifers for over two million years ....... use by Sept 24th.
  16. Morning all. Is Wimbledon over then? Yesterday migh right eye became more and more bloodshot and, not painful, but certainly irritating. Woek up this morning with both eyes playing up. I have never suffered from either conjunctivitis or hay fever. i will see how they are by the end of the day but the way things have started it doesn't look good. Have a goof Friday everyone.
  17. Good to see you to Phil. Today, we received our sixth three page missive from Revenue and Customs. All telling us exactly the same thing, that we won't be eligible for tax credits this year. I know we won't be. Never have been. If this is typical then I think I know why the country is broke. I would complain but that would probably only trigger more correspondence and waste.
  18. I'm sure Aditi would object strongly.
  19. Didn't like her that much anyway.
  20. It was for the local hospice but was still very much a 'ladies do'.
  21. I did offer but they didn't mind Stewart. They had each other and lots of other people in pink wearing fluffy ears and waving flashing things.
  22. Valerie and Fiona (daughter) did a 10k walk round Durham last night for the local hospice. The set off at midnight. I didn't go and support them.
  23. Happy birthday Gordon. Are you able to take a celebratory glass of amber nectar yet?
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