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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Morning all Full set of oktas here too. I'm off looking for some blue sky. Fortunately, so far, I have seats to myself. I knew not having a shower this morning was a good idea.
  2. Was travelling by train today. Sharing a table with an elderly couple opposite. Bloke sits next to me. He made Les Dawson's Cosmo Smallpiece look good and smelled worse than some we have met at exhibitions. Cleared himself space on the table, well took most of it really. Plonked his arm on the armrest digging me in the ribs with his elbow and left it there. Got his book out and started reading. It was called 'Resolving conflict in Marriage'
  3. I see England are trying their hardest to make a game of it.
  4. Morning all All of the glazing (model) that I did yesterday fell apart this morning. Ah well, onward and upward. Have a good day.
  5. Although I suppose I'm at the top end of middle age I wouldn't inflict me in Lycra on anyone. The world is not ready. Truth be told I haven't had the bike out this year at all. Is there such a thing as an armchair cyclist?
  6. Morning all Six weeks off in the offing. Holiday mood hasn't really kicked in yet. That usually happens sometime during the first week and then I start relaxing. At about the same time as the lists start to arrive. First on my own list is to tidy the layout room and study area, then I might be able to do some modelling. Talking about tidy layout rooms I wonder how Gordon is.
  7. You mean you didn't record it for use tomorrow? Shame on you. We finise today too, for the same reason. At 3 o'clock I may be a monarchist.
  8. My neighbour lost his dog so he put an advert in the paper saying 'here boy'
  9. Or go for Settle to Carlisle. Just under 72 miles in length Just under 1 mile in 4 mm. Simples.
  10. Whatever figure you reached for metres you would have to multiply by 13 and not divide as each metre is represented by 13mm. This answer would also be in mm so would need converting back to metres. I'm at a loss as to how you reached the 302.09 miles figure. That makes the world record for 400m of 43.18 seconds quite impressive.
  11. Thanks Don and others and welcome back Don.
  12. Perhaps Andy will invite her to next member's day?
  13. Our 25th wedding anniversary today. At work so no such excursions planned. Couldn't afford it anyway - I am still paying off the wedding.
  14. Welcome back Mick. Hope everything else is going well.
  15. There's a lay-by like that not far from here too.
  16. Now why on earth would I be wanting to do that.
  17. Ooops. I forgot the 3 points on my licence in 1988. Does that count?
  18. I'm a boring old fart that has no checkered history, has never done anything exciting..... or had anything exciting done to me. But I'm happy.
  19. It would be an even more depressing place without your input Gordon!! I may be misreading the tone of your post Gordon but this doesn't sound too good. It looks like you are not having the best of times. I had just assumed that you were back on track and busy with Eastwood. Whatever the situation I'm sure I speak for others when I say that we continue to send our best wishes and 'Haste ye back'
  20. Everything I bought was essential. Honest.
  21. Indeed. It is a problem I have never been able to resolve.
  22. Morning all Looks bright and sunny at the moment. Didn't bother with last edition of NOTW. (Why change the habit of a lifetime). Means I will miss out on the pull out souvenir bit. However will I manage without it. I'm off to the exhibition at Hartlepool later. It is usually quite good. Will try and limit my spending to essentials only.
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