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Everything posted by BoD

  1. ....... 12 Angry Men (and Lisa) ?
  2. No comment. It was obviously a scam Don. There was an attached file for me to load to see the 'ticket'. No chance. I guess that some poor unsuspecting folk who aren't computer savvy may well worry and load it just to see.
  3. Morning all Well done your Rugby team yesterday Don. Who do you fancy to win the world cup? I think it will be one of the big three from the southern hemisphere. Who is the strongest at the moment? I received an e-mail this morning informing me I'd been fined for speeding in New York a couple of months ago. I must have been going some to get there and back before work. Looks like it's going to be another nice day here too. Enjoy your day whatever you are doing.
  4. I don't know what all the excitement is about. We've had a stealth plane for years.
  5. Them: Can I speak to ..... Me: Who's calling please? Them: blah blah blah....... Me: <hang up> Easy.
  6. I'm a strange creature Don. When wiring, I have a habit of double checking everything as I go. I check for continuity or shorts on every section/ point or whatever as I connect them. Probably explains why I take so long to build anything.
  7. Good morning all Dog walked. Papers collected. Blue skies. Wonderful. Four of the twenty push to make buttons I fitted on the 'yard layout mimic' were push to break. Not wonderful. Fortunately I tested before I wired and connected to the layout.
  8. You should encourage them DD. Then they could drive you all to the villa in Spain.
  9. Morning all. Pleasant morning. Blue skies but there is a definite nip and the grass is covered in dew. As far as modelling Don, I now have a box with some buttons on it. Pressing them doesn't do anything though. More 'knitting' required over the next couple of days although activity may be curtailed as we are dog sitting again.
  10. I try to do the same but our doctors surgery and local hospitals use 'caller witheld' just as cold callers do. As an elderly relative has health issues we need to answer it. I believe this is becoming more common, schools do it to.
  11. Well done Jam. Party tonight at seven? See you sometime after the weekend then. Bad luck DD. Can your couple of weeks be re-negotiated?
  12. I'm mid fifties and on no medication. <touches wood>. Possibly because I hate doctors and never go if I can help it. In thirty odd years I have had ten days off work. Five days when my dad died (it hit me quite hard) and five days with a cracked rib. Of course now that I've said this ............ I don't however have a full head of hair. Still got more than Gordon though.
  13. Does that forecast cover the test match too?
  14. Instead of just saying that he was a terrific lad why not build in some of what you said in the second paragraph of your post. That sounds heartfelt to me.
  15. I can well imagine, Jam. I hope you get the grades you want. It doesn't seem five minutes since you were celebrating the end of your GCSEs.
  16. Morning all It looks like it going to be fine today after the rain cleared late yesterday. Sorry to hear this driving experience wasn't as pleasurable as the last Gordon. Perhaps your next should be a Rolls complete with chauffeur's cap just in case you are needed on the big day. Some nice modelling there DD (as per usual). I'm afraid I don't have much to show Don. I have mostly been tidying up the track laying and completing the wiring. Members of the knitters and weavers guild may find photos of interest but I doubt others would. I have decided that I must be the world's slowest modeller with the attention span of a small gnat, to boot.
  17. Morning all Yes I am back home. we were travelling back last week Don. We just popped by train to Edinburgh for the day to take in the 'buzz' of the festival. Since our relatives moved from Edinburgh I haven't been to stay or do any shows during festival time but I do still like to go for a day. "its down the left hand side" I thought you had bee researching wedding seating etiquette there Gordon.
  18. Evening all Sitting waiting to travel back down from Edinburgh. Very enjoyable day - tartan tat and all. Thanks for arranging the weather as requested Mike.
  19. Back home safe and sound thanks. Looked ... erm .... interesting at one point with the road out of Hawes blocked in both directions. Credit to the guy whose car had just been towed out of water he was waving down and turning round other cars and to the locals giving directions.
  20. Tried three different ways to get out of the Dales this morning. Roads blocked by water. Fortunately a local pointed us via higher back roads but still had to go through some deepish water at times. At least one poor chap's car had to be towed out. Hopefully an electrical problem rather that a full blown water in the engine job. Some spectacular views of roads and fields in full spate. Rivers and waterfalls even more so. Unfortunately not in a position to take photographs.
  21. Get it sorted Mike. I'm up there on Saturday.
  22. The hotel did not use the word luxury or luxurious once in it's adverts but it is very good and the food has been excellent. The home made chutney with the cheeseboard last night was particularly nice.
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