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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I've decided I don't like going back to work after six weeks off. Just thought I'd let you know.
  2. A fag and a Scotch? You mean Dave Allan was your RE teacher?
  3. Believe you me Dominic, you will catch every cold going...... and just when you build up some resistance a new strain will come along and get you. I'm expecting my first of the new year any time now.
  4. Seems reasonable advice to me. I've now been asked to leave a bank. I was only enquiring about the "CASH. No charge" sign they had outside.
  5. Will the groom's mother become your wife-in-law?
  6. Morning all Weather undecided here. Sunny five minutes ago. Looks like rain now. Will you be having a doors open day Mike? We could all come and see your flat.
  7. Took your advice DD Have just been escorted out of poundland.
  8. That would be useful for SWMBO, who has 32 different faces. Thirty one and a half of them expressing displeasure.
  9. ....like rabbits. I've just dropped a dinner plate on my big toe. It's ruddy sore. So is the toe.
  10. If you found it annoying why not just ignore it rather than post in somwhere where there us a good chance that it might annoy others too?
  11. Sorry - a bit OT - but does anyone know if Napster is P2P too? I have Sonos and listen via napster.
  12. Mike, park your car at Glenfinnan, train to Mallaig and boat over. Walk out. I don't know if you backpack when you walk but you would have to take everything you need. A wonderful few days.
  13. Afternoon all. Fine now in Edinburgh. Bet you didn't know that Mike. Have managed to log in so happy birthday Don. Take care Pete. Enjoy your weekend Gordon. Tough luck PhilH Hi DD et al.
  14. Cheery news and ERs don't seem to be easy bedfellows of late. This always cheers me up: What time is Irene due to visit?
  15. Sounds a bit of a returd.
  16. Etc., etc sounds quite nasty.
  17. He couldn't play before so why should he be able to now? Morning all Another grey day forecast here. It isn't raining at the moment - but that's because it has just stopped and it looks ready to start again soon. Still, I've got a hat if I want to go out. Life's good. Have a good day all. I'm probably away tomorrow, so many happy returns for the day Don. Have a good day and enjoy a brandy or two..... or three ....... or......
  18. ........ only if our censor allows it. The clouds have become so dark that I have had to turn a light on to read the paper.
  19. Tell Matthew not to forget to pack his ########s Morning all Eight oktas here. All leaking badly.
  20. Very clever DD. How did you do that? Is the past tense of ######, dung?
  21. You are supposed to take them out of the foil package.
  22. Thats strange. Ours goes: ding ###### ding ######
  23. After that I just had to go and remind myself what the Vietnamese currency is. Our censor is particularly sensitive.
  24. It's a big building with desks and chairs. No reason whatsoever. It's your railway you can do what you like on it. Morning all
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