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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Ouch Last time I had a jab it was over in seconds. Don: I often look into early risers on my phone, in the few minutes I have between morning chores and actually leaving he house. I don't always have time to post anything meaningful though. ........Eh? ........Meaningful? ....... What's that?
  2. You have 12 arms? .... now that is freakish.
  3. Can it be done without the cheese and peppers?
  4. Morning all Looking at the time stamp on your first post Don, I guess you have moved further away from us, time wise.
  5. Don't forget to put the clocks back - those of us in This Sceptered Isle, that is.
  6. My daughter is going in ten days time. Her boyfriend is going to propose there. We know but obviously she doesn't yet. I think I can trust you guys not to tell her.
  7. Morning all g'night Jim At the end of last month we were told it would be bitterly cold with snow by the end of this one. Yesterday the forecast was for the warmest weekend for a while. Does anyone know what is happening?
  8. I didn't get that one either. Darn it.
  9. Yes, it's as plain as the nose on her face.
  10. Morning all Don't recognise her at all DD, but from her pained expression I'd hazard a guess that she has bowel trouble.
  11. Dave: I'm turning green with envy Funny one that DD. As to your reply, how about something non-committal. 'Granny is looking well in spite of her bowel problems' is always a good starting point. Grandson is here today so we are thinking about a layout based on a Hornby track mat rather than him learning how to operate end to end at the moment. Something that he can set off going round and round and enjoy. Has anyone used the track mat system?
  12. Morning all. Looks like a grey day here with rain ahead. Strange to have such a regular weather pattern. Monday: beautiful autumnal day. Tuesday: heavy rain. Wednesday: autumnal mist then again sunny. Today: rain. It makes planning easy. Have a good day one and all.
  13. Morning all I see we are having another game of pass the cold. Not only reverse hump day Don, but I'm at work today doing some revision with those who have exams soon. Not an onerous task and one that I don't really mind but I think I would rather be at home.
  14. Morning all (just) I have my usual 'new academic year' cold. Unfortunately it waited until half term to pounce. A restless night resulted in a lie in until just after eight. A quick look at the weather (wind and heavy rain) convinced me that today is going to be a lazy day (resting the cold, if anyone asks).
  15. Neal: Oh, I couldn't possibly guess which one. At one point during the Manchester game they showed both benches. I remember thinking 'put those two together and you would probably have a team capable of a top four place too'. Frightening.
  16. With all that sun I hope his chassis hasn't seized up. As for getting under a loco I think he should leave that to the younger generation.
  17. Welcome back Gordon. Man Utd fans will still be on the M6 heading back to Brighton and Torquay.
  18. Sorry to hear about the mobility problems Don. Wat a great pity that now that you have some time you can't enjoy it as much as you would like. I hope it doesn't prevent a trip to 'your' farm when the time comes. On a slightly different note could someone explain this to me. Scene 1 Bedroom Mrs S. (shouting from downstairs): Go into my wardrobe and bring a cardigan down please. Me: Which one? Mrs S: Any, it doesn't matter. Scene 2 Downstairs two minutes later. Me: Here we are. Mrs S: I don't want that one.
  19. Morning Don and all How are you filling your days in Don now that you have more time but have dismantled the layout?
  20. Morning all Looks like a sunny day ahead. Definite nip in the air when I went round for the papers though. I have a week off ahead so I may get some modelling done, although I have been bitten by the train simulator bug. Must try to give it up, it's very time consuming.
  21. You mean you didn't sit and 'pop' it all? Where is your sense of fun and adventure?
  22. They may squeal a bit though.
  23. Morning all. Clear blue skies this morning but a definite nip in the air. I could go over to Carlisle to see Princess Elizabeth and a couple of diesel charters or stay at home for a morning of rugby and football and then get some exam marking out of the way to free up Sunday. Decisions, decisions.
  24. Morning all Still dark but I suspect that it is raining. Four hours of rugby in the offing. Going to seee the six existing Deltics and the prototype at NRM Shildon tomorrow. I feel a good weekend coming on (tinged with a touch of sadness for Dominik) Oops. That was a quick start by Wales.
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