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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I have spent most of the last three days at hospital, supporting SWMBO as we wait for MIL to take her final journey. She isn't half dragging her heels, as is her wont. What were you doing up at silly o'clock?
  2. Good afternoon all. I'm out of sync.
  3. Good grief, is that the time? Morning all.
  4. ........and also reads RMweb.
  5. Good news. You can try out your new trampoline.
  6. .......who need to tread Caerphilly.
  7. ...... and what is your hobby? I cross breed cheeses. It's fascinating to watch.
  8. Delighted to hear your news Don I suspect the brandy will have been enjoyed by now.
  9. Sounds like it should be a cross between Camembert and Gorgonzola
  10. ........or perhaps they just wanted to see the (v. attractive) doctor.
  11. It's unlucky to go to work the day after you've been off.
  12. Have just seen the weather forecast. Batten down the hatches!!
  13. Happy Easter from all at the Altzheimer's Society.
  14. It depends how you define exciting. I remember walking miles visiting people (some of whom we actually knew). We always ended up at one particular friends sometime between 3 and 4 when we knew a nice bowl of homemade broth and stottie would replenish the batteries.... and off we'd go again. It has been known for us to keep going all through new year's day too. I must point out this was all many years ago.
  15. Just listening to the news. I must have been left off the honours list again.
  16. I now have two lists. One, of things I want to do, which I keep and one for others to write upon. Somehow the latter keeps getting lost.
  17. Good morning all.... ..... and really pleased to see you reporting in as usual Don. (not that I'm not pleased to see the others too) Well, that's another year nearly done and the list of things that I haven't done grows ever longer. Let's rather say 'the list of things that I haven't done ...... yet!' That sounds a bit more optimistic doesn't it? Here's wishing you and yours all that you would wish for yourselves in 2012. < virtual handshakes all round>
  18. ....... Is he out of hospital?
  19. Ah ..... you were swearing blind.
  20. How did you know which language to use if it was dark?
  21. Best wishes Don Look after yourself.
  22. With the pupils. We are all convinced that the person(s) responsible for setting school holidays in Durham mus have had a bad experience at school. They always come up with the most inconvenient and illogical dates, especially at Christmas. I'm sure parents would have been happier for pupils to have had a couple more days at school this week too.
  23. Morning all Hope the problem with the foot gets sorted Don. Last day today before Xmas break. I won't be wearing a hat. Bah. Humbug.
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