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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Yes, I can sit and watch people run and exercise all day.
  2. Dave? That's an unusual name for a loco.
  3. ........when he emptied his bag he had Chicken breasts Peppers Fresh asparagus Sweetcorn Three bottles of merlot Cheddar cheese Chocolate A bottle of champagne A piece of Red Leicester ...... and £3.52 change
  4. I'm guessing most of us already have. Apart from Gordon, that is.
  5. It is much easier turning solid furniture into flat-pack than building flat-pack up. Especially if you have a large hammer. Quite therapeutic too.
  6. It may have been put on upside down, in which case it would be the 6th mast between kilometres 11 and 12.
  7. A verbatim report I hope. Should be interesting. Have just seen the cricket score. Ouch.
  8. Good news Don. From what? Good to see that you are still with us Lisa.
  9. I have family in Calgary. I will tell them to look out for Matthew.
  10. For she's a jolly good fellow For she's a jolly good fellow.........
  11. No report from Tony. Either celebrating or commiserating I do sincerely hope it's the former.
  12. Do you find your balls behave differently in cold weather? Mine are very unpredictable.
  13. 'smiling at somebody while you're sticking a knife in their back' How would they know you are smiling if you are behind them? Tony: How about 'Not a book to be lightly cast aside. (Meaning it should be thrown away as far as you can).
  14. Those low flying jets really are a pain when you are enjoying a quiet day in the hills.
  15. Perhaps it was just a careless whisper. Did I really just post that? How embarrassing.
  16. Having never studied the 'History of Furniture' or commodes in any great depth, I was wondering about that but didn't like to ask. Morning all.
  17. Enjoyed? There's a word for people like that!! Answers on the back of a ten pound note to this address.
  18. Morning all A form of induced insomnia here. Induced by a visit by the police at 3:30. Having knocked us up to check everything was ok they said they had had a report of a drunk at our address. They then said it might have been at a street with the same name at the opposite end of the county!! They did apologise. I didn't get back to sleep until just before the alarm went off.
  19. Morning all Take care Trev. Save the tin of Heinz beans for emergencies.
  20. I notice you've long said you'd like The Flaming Lips 'Do You Realize' and George Harrison's 'All Things Must Pass' when you go.
  21. Morning all Once again thanks for the kind thoughts. When somebody dies you don't half end up with a long list.
  22. Thanks for all of the kind thoughts and good wishes. MiL left us this afternoon. Over the last two and a half months and particularly over the last few days, AndyY's RMweb and you lot, via my iPhone, have helped me through some of the long hours at hospital. So whether you realised you were doing it or not, thanks to my 'cyber mates' for just being there.
  23. 'Industrial glue seems the answer' It puts others in th shade. I must switch to that.
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