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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by BoD

  1. ...but you can pick your nose.
  2. I still can't get my head around Celtic saying that they don't need Rangers.
  3. I would not have a word said against my mother in law. She was three of the nicest people I have ever met.
  4. Wouldn't bigamists get a 'buy one, get one free' offer?
  5. W.H. Smith's have obviously made efforts to add to the romance of today.
  6. Does AOL still have that nice lady living in your modem telling you "You have mail"?
  7. ..... or just c####d it up.
  8. No point in telling you that I really like that design then.
  9. You may be having a problem with your foot bu there's absolutely nothing wrong with your memory!! I started on the loco depot again yesterday but ran out of one style of plasticard that I needed. A trip to the model shop is on the cards today. Then on with the modelling.
  10. A week off. Exam papers marked. Data entry completed. Medium term plans done for next half term. Now what shall I do .........
  11. I see Suarez has issued an apology. Reading the opening it looks as though he has been ..er.... guided into this action.
  12. Re the BBC sports site. Live text is all over the place this afternoon. What a farce.
  13. So is my car's MOT. Hope both pass, but if one has to fail I hope it's my car.
  14. Don't worry. You will have forgotten all about it before too long.
  15. Apparently 'wearing well' is not a term of endearment either.
  16. Pass on my birthday greetings to those so inflicted.
  17. I'm just off out to pick Mrs. BoD up. I hope there is none of it about.
  18. Just watching the local news. Didn't realise just how bid things were today. Hundreds of minor accidents on black ice this morning and queues at A&E depts. as rain fell and turned immediately to ice and people slipped and fell. Thankfully I live on the coast which wasn't so badly affected. Went to the car this afternoon though, to find icicles hanging from the sills, around the wheel arches and even from the door handles. It was raining. Weird.
  19. Some of the blame for this farce must fall on the judge/magistrate who agreed to postpone the case. I wonder what would happen if you and I had a court appearance and said "I'm sorry I've got to work on that date?" The fact that the club thought it appropriate to write and ask for a postponement shows that they now believe that they take precedent over the law. No the wonder that some of our fotballers behave like spoilt prima donnas. Its not just racism for which many people can be suspended either. In some jobs it is accepted procedure, irregardless of guilt and the public wouldn't have it any other way. I personally believe that England captain should be one such job.
  20. Morning all. I know quite a few who will get a chuckle at that photo today Mike.
  21. If Redkapp isn't immediately available perhaps it should go to his dog.
  22. Morning all Tunes that are similar: Paganini's 24th Caprice for violin and Rachmaninov's Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini Gordon: when you have stopped the world let me know, I would like to get off too.
  23. Morning all Good luck for today Dominik.
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