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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Morning all Thank you for the replies regarding the air fryer. It would appear that ‘fryer’ is a misnomer and that they are, in effect, small but more intense fan ovens. Reviews say that they can’t be used for everything but the items for which they can’t be used are things that you wouldn’t do in an oven anyway. There are only two of us here and, even before the hike in energy costs, I would often blanch (see what I did there) at the thought of heating and using the oven for relatively small amounts of food. We try to use a slow cooker as much as possible and to cook in bulk and freeze where possible but that is not always suitable. The next step will be to compare the different models. Have a good day folks.
  2. May I pick the collective brain cell of ERs regarding the aforementioned air fryers. Do they work? Do they save money over say, an electric fan oven? Are there any features/pitfalls I should look out for if we decide to buy one. Some of them can be quite expensive. Almost a Deltic.
  3. Damn you weather. I know you are only trying to warn us about climate change but really, this rebellion, this blocking roads and disrupting people's lives, it's not going to endear the majority to your cause.
  4. In portrait or landscape?
  5. Work has taken place to try and resolve dust issues which are affecting some lounge furniture.
  6. See post by DaveF a couple before yours, Bob
  7. As said, it is genuine. It is on the A87.
  8. Hippo? Chains? I thought we’d got over all that bondage stuff.
  9. In that case might we end up with a West and East Sussex?
  10. If music be the food of love etc. That was ours for 'O' level too, Along with Kim Do you like Kipling? I don't know I've never Kippled before. ... and Chaucer's Prologue. I'm not even going to attempt to quote that.
  11. Nobody said anything about a rubber hippo. It was a request for HH in rubber. Hang on, I’ve just seen bear’s post. Forget about that. Mind you, why bear automatically associated rubber with bondage in his search, I’ll leave you to wonder.
  12. Do magazines only review models sent to them for review or do they go out and ‘obtain’ models to review. Obviously it would be impossible to review everything produced but how do you decide what to review? Do you review, or include in some way, everything manufacturers send you? If so then is there then an element of the manufactures indulging in ‘product placement’
  13. I use the signalist SC1 too. The only disadvantage in your case is that , because each one can control 4 2-aspect lights, you would need to buy 2 and would have two unused blocks. You nave other uses for these though. The instructions are comprehensive and clear. Downloadable here
  14. The type and number of decoders needed will depend on the number of aspects on your signals. Are they all two aspect signals?
  15. I’m much brighter than I look in piccies too. Don’t you lot even think about a reply ………
  16. I like most heroes but my least favourites are the double decker and fudge. Sorry, but somebody had to, so best get it out of the way early.
  17. I can manage a brick - but only when very scared.
  18. Surely somebody here is going to claim deep fried mars bars? Me? I claim all the Christmas cake with cheese you care to send. And it’s still before twelfth night so no bad luck either.
  19. Schrodinger’s walrus?
  20. Good morning all. I can understand why Kiwi say their sales are diminishing. Like GDB, since retiring, I only have one pair of shoes that require ‘a proper spit and polish’. Nowadays that pair of shoes usually only comes out for funerals.
  21. That's got the paranoid amongst us thinking. I've always found that the best response to anyone who asks "What's wrong with me?" is to reply " You mean apart from the obvious ..." and then sit back and watch them stew.
  22. The only beans that I don’t get on with particularly are human beans. Morning all.
  23. I think that current ruling is that ball only has to be heading toward the goal before being deflected for a player to claim that they scored it rather than it being an OG.
  24. Would that be pointing to Kerry then?
  25. Baked beans … the new Brussels Sprouts.
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