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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Morning all A driech morning at that. Not even soft as they would say in Ireland just wet. I woke up with a terribly sore back so might leave the visit to York show until tomorrow.
  2. They probably wouldn't be trying to lick their erm ..... stitches either. Having said that one or two I know ........
  3. Didn't see the game. I was taking wedding photos. It has gone well just waiting to do a couple of twilit floodlit shots. Squeaky bum time over. Don't tell me the result of the boat race. I've managed to avoid the score all day.
  4. Robbie is a long serving member of ERs so I know we are all hoping for the best.
  5. I thought it was for Gordon's next baseboards.
  6. Oh I say, that's rather useful. Especially as you can narrow it down to specific categories. Where has that been all of my life.
  7. What is th VNC button? I suppose if I have to ask what it was it's hardly surprising that I hadn't noticed it has gone.
  8. Do you folks have a contract with your Off Licence or just use Pay as You Go?
  9. That describes me perfectly.... .....apart from the nine weeks old bit.
  10. That's a ewenique way of doing it.
  11. Morning all Yes Don, I am pottering here and there. Cobbling together lights at the moment and laying the concrete base for the shed. Will try and take some pictures later (mustn't mix them up with the wedding photos). On the subject of bins. A new recyclables bin arrived yesterday (black with a blue lid since you asked). Everything that used to go in the box and bags we have now goes in here. We asked about the old bags/box. "We don't want the back, chuck 'em. Grow potatoes in them, whatever" "Aren't they recyclable?" "No"
  12. Every year a group of us go on a 'walking' weekend in the Lakes. We used to go at the end of March. We have stood on fell tops in shirt sleeves some years and in blizzards in others. One year we didn't even try for the high tops because of the conditions. Another year sun block was the order of the day.
  13. Mike's horizontal snow has reached Durham. It's neither yellow nor white but a sort of pre-prepared slushy brown. It amazes me how surprised the people on tv and radio sound. This weather is not unusual. Last week's was.
  14. You win Double or quits on Saturday's match?
  15. Dear ERs I have a confession to make. I didn't get up until 7:30 this morning. I therefore tender my resignation from ERs. Gordon: I'll give you 3/1 they don't.
  16. Do you get yellow snow over there? We have to make our own.
  17. Morning all Now that I am off for two weeks the weather has taken a nose dive. This is to be expected as I had planned to get my bike out. Perhaps some modelling will actually happen.
  18. I've hit the 'Like This' key three times today. I must be mellowing in my old age.
  19. Oh dear. A while ago I promised to 'do' the photos at a wedding as a favour. I did one a few years ago and promised myself never again, but somehow got conned/roped in. It's next Saturday and I hadn't given it much thought until earlier today. Now I'm beginning to fret a bit. I guess by next Friday it will be full squeaky bum time.
  20. ...and I bet you wish you weren't. At the moment anyhow. Just like I wish the last five minutes at he Etihad had been cancelled.
  21. It's great to see something running Gordon. Isn't it about now that the trips to the skip start?
  22. It's making much faster progress than my layout.
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