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Everything posted by BoD

  1. A nice model and interesting livery.
  2. Noon? You mean you can't remember 'breakfast with the teams' and travelling on the team coaches? Not to mention 'It's A Cup Final Knockout'. By, you must be young.
  3. By that's a big garden you have there, Mick.
  4. I was correct* about the blue sky. It has all but gone. It is 2C outside and it is sleeting. Typical bank holiday then. *I know……… ……it doesn't happen very often.
  5. Was she the Flavia of the month? Good morning all The sky is a strange colour this morning. I think it's called blue. Shouldn't last too long though.
  6. Many happy returns Stewart.
  7. Oh dear. I appear to have had an accident. A text arrived saying they have been trying to contact me about my accident and they have details about how much I am due. All I have to do is give them a ring. No idea who they are but I can make a guess. I cant recall an accident. Does anyone on here remember my accident? * * other than the one with the dropped scalpel and the shorts.
  8. Mick's murk malingers, motionless misty mass. Mad motorists materialise. Muppets.
  9. Indeed it does. Quite thick murk too. For part of the journey to work you could only see the next two lamposts at any one time.
  10. Morning all Mick's murk has moved up here overnight. Very foggy.
  11. Any coffins passed by yet?
  12. I've been through 'The Times' Rich List three times and I'm still not on it. Damn. Back to work tomorrow for me.
  13. Morning all (sic) I have just watched a couple of news videos of the Enterprise 'fly past' In one close up shot the Jumbo approached and then flew behind a couple of skyscrapers. Made me shudder.
  14. I recently made the mistake of installing Ubuntu onto a spare machine. I'm starting to get sucked back into 'that' side of things again and I just don't have the time at the moment.
  15. How about a knockout competition between the champions of each country as it used to be? Not enough cash in that though.
  16. After-morning all. We have heavy showers here too. The latest one started at 4pm yesterday. I'm looking out of my window over the school's new swimming pool. Ours is a new build and the tarmac areas have been relaid twice. They still have large areas of standing water and totally dry patches around the drains which are at the top of slopes. I don't think the builders had quite grasped the physical properties of water.
  17. As we have been 'off air' for a while I thought I would give a full report of what has been happening up here over the last few days. Rain.
  18. I think I saw a patch of blue sky this morning. But then again perhaps not.
  19. Always a sad occasion. Remember the happy times.
  20. Morning all Would anyone suffering a shortage or ban like to buy some rain and murk? Plenty to spare up here.
  21. Morning all Seems like the strong wind and rain/sleet is widespread. Start of the Summer Term.
  22. I see Muamba has left hospital .... ... and not forgetting the player in Italy who want as lucky. Sort of puts our differences and little tiffs into perspective, doesn't it?
  23. Yes, a very impressive bit of jiggerypokery there DD. Having spent a lot of last week photoshopping wedding photos I know that, depending on how well it is going, it can be both frustrating and enjoyable in equal measure.
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