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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Morning all I have led a very sheltered life never having driven a tractor or a horse. My last car did sound a bit like a tractor before I got rid of it though. Does that count?
  2. On one of my sillier days I remember walking round York pointing my phone at historical buildings and exclaiming "I wish this phone had a camera" My family disowned me on that particular visit.
  3. Do kids learn to play on small sitars called baby sitars. Morning all.
  4. Don't worry - as soon as England lose the hounds will be unleashed and even a non story will be splashed as though it were the end of the world. Cynical? Moi?
  5. Yes, a sad day Dominik. Before long though, the sadness will fade and you will be able to remember all of the good times you had together.
  6. Sad news Dominik. My thoughts are with you and yours.
  7. Greece v Germany in the quarter finals? ……… to see who stays in the Euro(s)
  8. Games have just finished The words; book; turn up for; and There's a; spring to mind.
  9. Morning all Second day of continious rain here. V. heavy at times. I'll let you know if we manage forty. We did have a two day break from rain earlier in the week. That confused people no end. This weather is becoming depressing but still, I suppose I should be thankful that we haven't suffered flooding or a hosepipe ban. Or both.
  10. Great News Steve McClaren agrees with England's tactics.
  11. Me too Definitely a Gooch design. Welcome back DD.
  12. I'm sure Stewart will pass the test, especially as you give the answer above the picture.
  13. * all Coast to Coast cycling over the next couple of days. May or may not check in. Come to think of it may or may not survive. *Insert your own interpretation of time of day here.
  14. The views on this seem to be polarised. Other papers are taking the view that, by refusing to join the list of standby players, it is Richards that has snubbed England.
  15. Morning all Is there something going on this weekend?
  16. How about making it like American football. An attacking side, a defensive side and a penalty taking side all exchanged as and when necessary. It would have to happen 'on the hoof' though, as play switched from one end to the other, so as not to slow the game down.
  17. The 'coming together' of the galaxies wasn't presented in a doom predicting way at all but as a scientific discovery, confirmed by the Hubble telescope. Current thinking puts the event about four billion years away so I'm not particularly worried about it (although Gordon may need to work on Eastwood a bit more urgently).
  18. Good morning all. Glad to hear that you enjoying your break DD. Good to hear that Thabo has been in touch Don It's not unexpected that he has outgrown the layout but it's nice to think that he has had pleasure from it in what, from the photos you showed us, must have been a difficult childhood. Great credit goes to you for building it and not forgetting Gordon who coordinated things at this end.
  19. If you survive the volcanoes and can hang around for a teency weency bit longer you will see our galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy collide. Apparently the night sky will be spectacular. Edit: I've calculated that it's due to happen just before I finish my current layout. Edit:Edit: notice how I resisted the temptation Gordon?
  20. Have a good break Tony. I love the lakes and go over as often as possible.
  21. You must be a truss-ty chap. Ditto with milk memories. It was worse for me the year I was milk monitor. As a 'treat' ...... no,....... cant bear to remember. Having said that I don't mind drinking milk now as long as it is ice cold.
  22. I always thought of you as being a bit taller than that.
  23. I went out for a walk in glorious sunshine. Stood on the cliff top and watched the sea fret roll in. Quite spectacular but now it's cool and damp.
  24. I'm passing through the Lakes on Tuesday and Wednesday. I'll give Robbie and Abi a wave.
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