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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Morning all That's three days now waking up to clear blue skies and sunlight. It's more than a body can take. Pete, you may hang the rope on any convenient projection. It seems that Don's computer is taking some fixing. Let's hope that all is well, otherwise. That's the problem with 'virtual' friends. They can just disappear back into the ether, as if they had never really existed, and you may never find out why. I'm not suggesting that this is the case with Don though, he somehow seems a permanent fixture here.
  2. You mean you don't get a 'Soap on a Rope' in your Xmas stocking?
  3. Think yourself lucky. At Uni I had to share a room with someone who generated his own audio tones.
  4. I tried ham radio once too .... ....but was given the cold shoulder.
  5. Congratulations to all concerned, Tony. Squirrels cause hardballs?
  6. Morning all Bright and sunny here. Enjoyable trough last night so I'm back in the good books. I'm just catching up and raking over all of last nights chaff I knew they were researching the effect of mobiles on the brain but didn't realise the could reach that far down.
  7. Update: Have managed to book a table in a (very) poular watering hole. May just have saved the day.
  8. Yes that was it. Long time ago.
  9. Tractors certainly aren't as primitive as they used to be.
  10. Morning all Blue skies here. Finish today for the summer hols. Things are looking up Edit: Cancel that last one. Forgot wedding aniversary
  11. Especially as she thought that's where she was.
  12. Wouldn't it be more impressive to go back up to your flat on the outside?
  13. I like the way some people drive five miles to the gym and five miles back again just to do ten miles on a treadmill..
  14. Amber rain? That must explain the amber sheep I have seen of late. ....and I blamed the amber nectar.
  15. Watch out folks, We are now on MI5 and the drug squad's radar. Re: art. Agreed Pete. I was pretty cynical but seeing 'David' in the flesh (eh?) was a really moving experience. Hairs on the back of the neck etc. The full works.
  16. ...... and you think that's it, do you?
  17. Five meetings and one teabag? How on earth will you cope?
  18. Yes, but I understand these tracksuit affairs inhibit....erm.... performance thus reducing the spectacle and viewers, enjoyment.
  19. If the weather stays as is you may be in for a disappointment then.
  20. ………or having his new hairdo spoilt.
  21. Are you getting your hair specially done for the occasion, Gordon?
  22. Don was having computer problems and was waiting for them to be 'sorted' Let's hope that that is the only issue. .
  23. I must admit I used to be very firmly in the don't want and don't need a mobile phone camp. I bought one because it could be used to control my music system and (much to my surprise) found that some of the the other things it did were remarkably useful too. The function it gets used for least is texting closely followed by making phone calls. I never really did these things much before and still don't bother much now. In fact, unless I specifically need it, it is switched off.
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