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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Afternoon all. Valerie’s foot showed a lot more bruising this morning (along the side not sole, Neil) so back onto 111 this time online. A nurse from the local Community Hospital (which does now have a minor injuries unit, Tony) phoned back ten minutes later at 10.50 and made an appointment for 11.30, which was realistically as soon as we could get there. Walked into hospital at 11.28 seen at 11.30, x-rayed, fracture confirmed, moon boot fitted and there will be a follow up appointment with fracture clinic arranged. All this done and out in forty five minutes !! Thankfully it doesn’t appear to be a particularly nasty break. Enjoy the rest of your day folks.
  2. Interesting. I don’t recall seeing them in photographs of moving freight trains (or many of the 16t minerals for that matter). Having said that is it not true that apart from Glen Douglas the vast majority of freight is photographed north of Tyndrum
  3. I'm proud to say that I have very few unbuilt kits. Most of them are all half finished.
  4. Im guessing, from the photographs I have seen, that they would go to and from Fort William in one of the regular freight trains and then be tagged onto a passenger train to Mallaig
  5. It was a pure coincidence that I had just been checking something else in Longworth’s Mk1 & Mk2 coaching stock book when I read your post. Now if I could identify the 37 then that would be impressive …
  6. The closest thing we have to that is a 'Community Hospital' which doesn't serve the community at weekends. Other than that the nearest to use is a full blown A&E dept. It might be worth considering going now before the Sunderland- Middlesbrough local football derby finishes.
  7. No bruising on the sole but a later inspection revealed some swelling and now a not bad but definitely noticeable bruising to the top of the foot. 111 was contacted and she was told to take paracetamol, elevate the foot and put a tubular bandage on if we have one. We will give that a try but if the swelling, bruising or pain worsens I think a call back to 111 or visit to A&E might be in order.
  8. The temperature must have risen a bit here. No sun though. We woke up to a very heavy frost, the sort heavy enough to think, at first, that it might have snowed. Within the last half hour or so it has completely gone where as yesterday, out of the sun, it didn’t give all day. Today may be interesting. Yesterday Valerie slipped on the bottom two stairs and has in some way damaged her foot. There is no swelling or bruising but it was too painful to put much weight on. This morning there is still no visible signs but the pain is much worse. We are considering what action to take. A&E? It doesn’t seem bad enough for that. G.P. tomorrow? You are having a laugh. 111? We’ve no experience of it, one way or another, so that might be the way forward. On the other hand it sounds as if It might be best if I just drove 40 minutes up the A19 and went to DaveF’s local hospital. Have a good Sunday.
  9. That reminds me… I must ask Andy Y if the ads are random or if there is an algorithm that selects ads based on type of websites previously visited.
  10. Sorted. Eventually I wrapped it in cloth and took a git waz set of mole grippy things to it. I managed to persuade it to come out without breaking it. I knew I should have been a dentist. I wonder if it was originally cross threaded because now it screws in and unscrews easily.
  11. I was lucky in a way because there was snow when I was learning to drive. After one fairly substantial fall I was convinced that my lesson would be cancelled but no, my instructor turned up, took me to some quiet snow covered country lanes and in effect said “let’s have a good play and see what it is like driving on snow”. Whilst you can never be 100% confident on snow that hour and a half taught me an awful lot for which, at times, I am still very grateful.
  12. Curdyturses as they say. The bulb has gone in the oven. Can I unscrew the glass cover? Can I heck. It hasn’t been unscrewed before and the oven is 5 yrs old. I’ve tried heating the oven to see if the metal might expand a bit but I’m not sure how high to go whilst still being able to grab the bulb with oven gloves on. I don’t fancy breaking it either - although I can get a replacement if necessary.
  13. That does not sound too good. I sincerely hope that it something that can be successfully 'sorted' a.s.a.p.
  14. Thanks for the reply and photos @PupCam. Most interesting.
  15. Yes, he brought the chimney down to within a few yards of where the bloke was standing, as these skilled people can. Probably exaggerated and a bit further away than that but it made a good story - especially that punchline. It has stuck in my mind over the years too.
  16. Can I plead ignorance and ask what is happening in this stacking? The only stacking I have come across is taking a handful of photographs at different focus points to increase depth of field. Is that what you are doing here? I understand that the distances involved are huge, as are the number of stars out there, but can a telescope make that number of fine adjustments of focus in a single frame? Remember, you are talking to an idiot whose frame of reference is a camera lens where everything over a few tens of yards is infinity.
  17. Next you’ll be telling us the ad placement algorithm must have got it wrong.
  18. These days there are queues to get up Catbells too.
  19. Only every other one. Got to watch the figure.
  20. I have this shopping mall lark off to a T. I will chauffeur but whoever I am with knows to drop me off at a coffee shop and provide a dose of caffeine while they shop that part of the mall. I will provide suitable reading material, usually on an iPad. I am then picked up and ushered to another coffee shop in another part of the mall and fed another coffee while that section is shopped. This process is then repeated as often as necessary. Sorted. We pass road signs for Cheshire Oaks when we head to Holyhead for the ferry.
  21. The priest at the church that Valerie goes to is chaplain for the local professional football team. I’m sure that if he could, his vestments would be red and white striped.
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