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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Now that IS showing your age.
  2. Morning all Sunny in NE England this morning but it looks like I will be travelling through the belt of rain today. Please make sure that it is sunny in Wales later, DD. Has Andy switched server yet? I am an infrequent visitor at the moment but see no squirrels.
  3. That is stretching it a lot. I'm sure he would just seize 'er.
  4. Well we are in a forum.
  5. Morning all Today sees the start of the second week of my playing about on the big railway. Today I am staying localish, trying the Hope Valley line. The rest of the week sees me heading off to Cornwall and Wales. Will you be able to see me from up on your hill DD? I have to be at Paddington tomorrow night but I'm trying to plan a way of avoiding crossing London but still calling at Ipswich. It's a good job I enjoy logic problems.
  6. Are you going to send one of them back, Phil?
  7. There are a couple in this area but they have been turned into restaurants or pub/diners That's assuming they are the real I am and not a theme pub recreation. The bogies look real enough. Edit: yep just checked Pullman cars S/No. 102 ROSALIND & S/No.99 PADUA. http://www.rmweb.co....28378851766.jpg An aside: Searched the web for a picture and do you notice the site on which I found one?
  8. Is it one of those new swipe card payment devices?
  9. They liked it better than flushing the toilet.
  10. Mike, I'm hoping to catch an East Coast set so I may well be able to do that. You need to have a word with whoever replaced you at the department for furry things. I've only seen dead ones so far.
  11. I'd just like you all to know that, over the years, ERs have been absolutely amazing.
  12. It's sunny in Inverness. Day whatever of the grand tour. V. Enjoyable. At some point today will cross the Tay Hope they managed to get the bridge fixed. Have a good holiday Tony.
  13. Which soup did you spill? Tomato is by far the worst.
  14. Morning all Captain's Log: Stardate: what is the date anyway? On train from Glasgow to Inverness and then across to Kyle. Station name list brought hairs to a stand. My old stomping grounds when young. Clear blue skies.
  15. No…… he couldn't ……… he wouldn't …… Very enjoyable day today. Woke at five ish just as the train was passing Murrayfied. Spent the rest of the journey in the lounge car watching wonderful scene after wonderful scene unfold before me. Thought things couldn't get better but took the train out to Mallaig....... And what do you know, it got better. If you have a 'list of things to do before you die' put the West Highland Line on that list, you won't regret it. Fantastic sky over Glasgow tonight. I'm on the sixth floor so can appreciate it. From up here and in this light I suppose cities aren't too bad. Pics to follow when I get home
  16. I'll have to practise that hard look and stare…… Oh dear, a little girl and her puppy have just run away crying.……
  17. Just passing through Glen Falloch now. Falls are below me.
  18. Blimey I was only in London for five minutes when I was accosted by a young(ish) woman, in tears, saying that she had just had a fight with her partner and would I help her to get back to her 'mum'. She only needed a couple of pound for the bus fare. I offered to phone the police for her and she disappeared. What are visitors to the Olympics going to think if this is the norm? This, incidentally was on Euston Road in front of the library opposite that wonderful building that was St. Pancras hotel and not up some side street. You can keep Your cities, give me the back of the sticks any day. Grump over. Other than that, it has been a fabulous day.
  19. I was on Durham station today making some reservations when somebody put a tea bag in my mouth and poured water over it. I think they were trying to make a mug of me. Off on my rovings tomorrow. Planned itinerary: Monday - to London via i haven't decided yet. Overnight sleeper to Fort Bill (William) Tuesday - pottering on West Highland Line Wednesday - Glasgow to Inverness/Kyle Thursday -Far North to Wick and Thurso Friday - Home via Aberdeen and Edinburgh. Next weekend - local(ish) trips Following week - Lowestoft. Penzance and Wales. Will try to report in occasionally WiFi permitting.
  20. Just checked the cricket score. 544-2. Ouch Obviously their South Africans are better than our South Africans.
  21. I tried that once but the offer was for dog food. Didn't half make a mess of the shower.
  22. Only if it's on a rope.
  23. Thank goodness it wasn't that rambler who's doing the rounds in Scotland at the moment.
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