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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Yes, especially when he starts whistling. The Mexican Whistler is fantastic.
  2. Great to see you back Don.
  3. As we are on the Internet, this must be long distance punning.
  4. Morning all Was dragged to a car boot sale yesterday. Now I know how shire horses must feel - up the field, move a bit along down the field, move a bit along................ Excepting Thomas the Tank stuff, not a railway related item in sight. Some interesting spanners though.
  5. 'How is the eye' After a couple of eye baths as recommended by NHS direct and a couple of nights rest the eye gradually returned to normal. Thanks for the advice and concern. To get into the mood of picture testing and posting here are a some from the tour. There is an amazing variety of architecture in British stations, particularly the roofs. Some of them are works of art in themselves. One of the best things about the trip was going to sleep in London And waking up to these views out of the window.... (Actually I woke up just as we passed Murrayfield - but you get the idea)
  6. Keep going Dave. If you aren't enjoying your work just look at it as the means of doing the things that you do enjoy. A necessary evil, think of whitrope.
  7. Morning all Enjoyed a trip on the Embsay railway yesterday, but managed to pick up a piece of soot or dirt in my eye. Started off by being a nuisance but has become irritating and quite painful. Can't see it to remove it and it hasn't budged overnight. Any tips or tricks?
  8. Morning all (eh?) In Yorkshire Ales for a few days. Sunny but just had a couple of heavy showers. Forecast for the rest of the week is very good. Considering the year we have had up to now I have been exceptionally lucky over the last couple of weeks, weather wise. Edit: have just read that if Yorkshire were a country it would be 10th in the medal table, equal with Germany in Gold medals.
  9. You're asking Gordon to get close enough to check the colour of it's eyes?
  10. What a pleasant way to spend a Friday evening. Enjoy.
  11. At last …… ……. a use for Eastwood Mk1
  12. Morning all Torrential rain yesterday with thunder thrown in. We often, jokingly, say street outside was a river. Yesterday it was. Water was running off local field (formerly a mine) and was kerb deep. Thankfully we are on a slope so it bypassesd us without any damage. I think I'll move to mars.
  13. Last time I went to car boot sale I came away with a jack and a spare wheel.
  14. It's been a long time. His previous computer glitches have been sorted fairly quickly.
  15. Standing on station at Pitlochry waiting for Edinburgh train. Have crossed from lowland to highland a few times over the last fortnight. It's the boundary's fault. As to mileage, I don't know. I have kept an accurate log with details of journeys and comments. I will work out actual mileage when I have been back a few days. Photos now in the hundreds. Do you want them all at once or a few a day for the next year or so. Seriously, again when I've been back a few days, I will select a few that best give a flavour of my travels. .
  16. Be kind to them Gordon....... .....when the time comes they will decide to which home you will be sent.
  17. Morning all Last couple do days of the grand tour I suspect that the list for the rest of the holiday will have grown to a considerable size. Time for pay back methinks.
  18. Many of the signs in Shrewsbury have lots of LLs and DDs on them. Dual signs must cost a fortune. Not just double in size but most Welsh equivalents seem four times longer than the English version. Whatever the guards said in their announcements bore no resemblance whatsoever to what was on the map or sign anyway. Whatever you wrote worked DD. A little misty on the Cambrian coast to start but it soon cleared to be warm and sunny there, on the Ffestiniog line and in the Conwy valley. The high tops still had their heads in the cloud though.
  19. Morning all from sunny Shrewsbury. A very interesting place. It certainly outyorks York in olde worlde type buildings, nooks and crannies. . Every street is a shambles. Weather looks ok for the next couple of days. Thanks DD. Only problem is the semaphore signals point in the wrong direction when off.
  20. Morning all I understand Penzance is very nice. If I could see it through the rain and mist I might have been able to confirm this.
  21. I've been sent to Coventry. But it's ok I escaped. There's an Olympic football match there tonight Loads of Olympic helpers. Loads of police. No crowds Oooo. Just passing through Lemington Spa Wonder if pete waterman will be spotting on the station.
  22. Oh how it has changed. Not a sky in the cloud. I'm passing through Lancaster so I blame Stewart.
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