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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Hang on there...... ....back on a computer that picture is appearing as he winking smiley. On the mobile version on my iPhone it is appearing as Debs. Debs!!! What are you doing in my iPhone?!!!!
  2. Ah. So you can see it too
  3. Is it just me and my phone or does Gordon's post have Deb's picture in the middle?
  4. So you don't live on the Olympic Mountain Bike Route then?
  5. Rather than try to put into words what I felt when I read your post Ian, I have just given three most heartfelt 'likes' to the above posts.
  6. A castle with an indoor swimming pool? Those Normans had it easy. Morning all Has been raining here and it looks as though it is going to rain again very soon. At least my paper stayed dry as I carried it from the shop. That looks great Dave. With a little bit of TLC locos these days are works of art. I'm seriously tempted to make up a static display just to look at when I'm feeling low.
  7. Keep moving then Mike, or you may be mistaken for a bouy and hurled over the side.
  8. A while ago I decided to dissect magazines keeping, filing and indexing only the articles, photographs and diagrams I thought would be of future use. I didn't get very far.
  9. Much to SWMBO's dismay I refuse to throw away (or donate to a charity shop) any books. There are some there that I will never, under any circumstances, open again ..... but ask me to get rid of them .......... My piles of magazines aren't in boxes, they are on shelves. It is easier to wipe the dust of them when it gets too thick.
  10. We need a secret sign or way in way in which we can recognise each other. Perhaps if we were all bald or something like that.
  11. Perhaps he knew what he was doing and was just contributing to the entente cordiale
  12. Morning all A bit dull here but there is a watery sun out there too. I wonder who will win. Five wees holiday nearly over and I have not done a bit of modelling. Come to think of it I hadn't done too much before that either. I think I will go to Railex North East this weekend, see if I can buy some mojo. The house guests are returning for a few days too.
  13. I have just been for a walk. I love walking, whether it be a leafy lane, a high fell or a deserted beach. You can truly appreciate the wonder of nature, relax and contemplate the meaning of life and other important questions such as 'why are dog owners fined if they don't scoop their poop yet horses are allowed to leave chuffin great mountains with impunity?'
  14. Mike, just a suggestion. Choose a circular route then you won't have to run all the way back as well.
  15. I'm sure counselling will be available.
  16. Mmmmm. Fish and chips* in the Magpie in Whitby. Stuff the diet. *a house speciality.
  17. Morning all Well done to SA, Don (mutter mutter). They deserved it though. Bright and sunny this morning. House guests have left but will return again on Saturday for a few days. Keeps me fit and on my toes. I'm sure you know quite a few places similar to Mike's photo Gordon. I know it very much depends on the sort of person you are, but I for one would far rather be somewhere like that than in the situations you have described. Even the thought of being in a big city or town fills me with dread. Each to their own I suppose. Have a good day all. Wherever you are.
  18. That will be the next step in meeting her half way(ish)
  19. I'm sure SWMBO will want a round the world cruise with a place on the Captain's table every night. No fear, I've watched these antique buying programmes on TV so I know how it works. I'll start by offering to take her on one of the rowing boats on the Wear at Durham.
  20. Swimming? Didn't they get left behind?
  21. SWMBO finally persuaded me to go on a cruise last year. It is not something I had ever thought of and, to be honest, still don't particularly fancy. (Un)fortunately said cruise had to be put off. I promised, so I guess I may have to go on one at some point.
  22. Morning all. Very heavy rain passed over last evening but sunny now. House guests have had their morning walk and breakfast. I will take them for their long walk later Mad dogs and Englishmen and all that. It's great to 'babysit' the dogs but I don't think I could have one of my own while I'm working. It would be unfair to it.
  23. A good excuse to drink the contents quickly....... ........"I need the empty box."
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