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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Get well soon Ash/Ashers/Ashcombe* *Scratch out as appropriate (I know, sorry) I managed to do that a few wees ago. Quite impressed by it.
  2. Get the icing out!!!!!!!!
  3. To win it outright would be the icing on the cake now. .
  4. .........and Kaymer goes one up.
  5. One more point to retain it. Unbelievable.
  6. ....and with that fantastic put on the 17th.
  7. When I went to bed last night I thought no chance. This morning was only a little better. But now ........ we couldn't ............... could we? If not, at least we are giving them a better run for their money.
  8. I can't help but agree with you about Blackburn Colin but I think we might just get a surprise with the next manager, or at least with those who express an 'interest' in the job. I think many managers have egos even bigger than the players and so need a position, any position, to feed that ego. I'm sure we can all think of a good number of managers like that. Sherwood might be a big favourite but nothing would surprise me in the final choice.
  9. I bet the time just flu by.
  10. Wasn't Mornin' All a GWR loco?
  11. ... and certainly not by taking any of your bread.
  12. I have just noticed the new egghead, Dave, on the öshow tonight. I guess Gordon's appearance is that much closer. Has any date been given Mr S?
  13. And for all these years I have been thinking that early risers was something to to do with getting up with the larks when it is in fact a secret bread maker's society.
  14. Perhaps if you had taken it out of it's packet.............
  15. I think there may be a market here for a bread maker with a windmill on top Grind the flour and power the thing too.
  16. Well, that's nearly 48 hours of continual heavy rain. * There is an awful lot of red on the travel info sites. East coast (not so) main line http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/service_disruptions/additional_info/ECML.jpg https://mobile.twitter.com/networkrail/status/250578459447922689?photo=1 *other weather is available (but not at this location or at this time).
  17. Morning all from sunny* Durham. *only joking.
  18. Morning all Rainy, windy, but I guess you knew that. Only the far North seems to be escaping it.
  19. Why does a doctor always have a cigar in one hand? To balance the glass of whisky in the other.
  20. Good morning rude curmudgeon. Welcome back.
  21. Morning all Pleasant sunny day here. We may see new clouds later though. SWMBO is, as we speak, making desperate efforts to domesticate me.
  22. But what would you do with the stuff you bought at the huge furniture warehouse?
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