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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I must have included a FOR ....NEXT loop.
  2. Don't say that! I used to teach programming on that. Don't say that! I used to teach programming on that.
  3. Enjoying a breakfast half way between NE and the lakes. Seems a long way to go just to look at wedding paraphernalia. Guess I'm just the chauffeur/debit card carrier today. Beautiful morning though, early sunlight, mist still lying in the fields and a couple of balloons up enjoying the still air. Wonderful.
  4. Morning all I used to do a lot of am drams and musicals but on the lighting and sound side. The problem is, with that side of things, you spend the whole weekend before a run 'setting up' and the following weekend doing the 'get out'. Because you are hiring stuff setup usually goes on well into the night. At one time I was doing lots of those often back to back through the show season. I just had to draw a line and refuse shows. Now it's only one or two a year.
  5. ....... and I'm not waiting up to post when it's only 6.
  6. You do your shirts in the dishwasher?
  7. The price of the tickets I may have to pick a pocket or two on the way
  8. Good morning all Heavy rain overnight and it looks like it is set to continue for a while yet. A busy weekend looms. Theatre tonight to see Oliver. I will try to get over to Shildon tomorrow to see the A4s and there is a model exhibition going on there too. Sunday will see a trip across to the Lakes to view wedding locations (not mine, I hasten to add). Add to that a pile of marking and preparation........
  9. You need to paws before you hit send.
  10. Glad to see you feeling a bit better Old* Still might be worth having a checkup though. *You don't mind me calling you by your firstname do you?
  11. Thank you for the birthday greetings. To be honest I don't feel much different to yesterday but my wallet does. I have bought a couple of models that I don't need, that don't fit in with any of my plans, but that I like vey much. Now, what shall I do with them....... Dave: I very nearly bought Coronach just to put on my desk and gaze at when I shoud be working.
  12. Very skillful too. Photoshopping was much harder in those days.
  13. Ah well, another year older. As a treat to myself I'm off across the Tyne Valley and Settle and Carlisle, hopefully with time to call into the model shop...... and who knows what might happen. It's alright Dave. I'll not ask for a lift.
  14. Could be worse - could think it's a Clayton.
  15. I have just been chatting to a neighbour who works for the council. He tells me that their gritting teams have been given an advanced snow 'alert' for Wednesday onward. I had heard tell that a cold October had been forecast but this early?
  16. Bagning? It wasn't you who came up with the slogan for that famous T-shirt company was it?
  17. One of W. H. Smith's D.I.Y. legal thingies......
  18. ....... or it's their way of telling you the price is going up next month.
  19. I believe the government have asked paypal to investigate the process.
  20. Oops. Damn this iPad keyboard.
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