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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I bought a new computer last weekend and I can upgrade to Windows 8 as part of the package should I choose to so. I may be asking opinions in a couple of days if that's Ok.
  2. Microsoft being true to form then, one bad release, one Ok, one bad, ........
  3. Morning all. I thought that was its raison d'etre
  4. That must make my age forty-sixteen.
  5. I suppose that is one way to transcend-dental medication.
  6. Morning all Can't see what the weather is like through the fog. Four more days to go then a week off with a few days in the Lake District planned. Hallelujah.
  7. Morning all Hot, wet and dark. That's the coffee forecast. Haven't a clue what it's doing outside.
  8. ...and that's just you.
  9. Isn't it just wonderful the hassle involved when a computer fails on you. I've reached the point when getting a new one is starting to seem a sensible option. To be fair the old one is old (in computer terms anyway) and had reached the end of its upgrade capability a good while ago, so a new spec is probably overdue anyway. That in itself will mean a good few nights twiddling thumbs while software is installed and files copied back across.
  10. The only time I've been 'cautioned' for speeding I was on my (push) bike. I'll admit it was down hill with a following wind and I was going some. The policeman, probably out checking motorists, was laughing his head off and just made palm down gestures to slow down. I didn't dare take my hands of the handlebars to make appropriate gestures in return.
  11. I've never tried socks in Lemsip.
  12. You've gone and woken everyone up DD.
  13. He may well find himself in a paddy.
  14. ......not to mention wind.
  15. Wouldn't seaweed be easier?
  16. Something fishy going on here..... On a huge scale. Better fin-ish now.
  17. Minadex I remember that..... and Delrosa Rosehip Syrup and Haliborange vitamin C tablets ....
  18. Buy a plastic water butt then.
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