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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Sad news iD. I'm sure Jodi had a good life, now is the time for you and your friends to think back to all the laughs and love he gave you over the years.
  2. Newer mambers of ERs may not appreciate what follows but longer term members will understand the implications. My new computer is set to display a background randomly selcted from any of my stored photographs. I have thousands stored - but just as SWMBO comes into the study guess who pops up on my background!! You try explaining it.
  3. I could never remember which witch was which.
  4. 'you all look just the same' Are you sure that is'nt because you are just looking at the inbuilt camera?
  5. I resign every Saturday night, just before the National Lottery, only to withdraw it shortly afterwards.
  6. Of course not ...... .....I use my rucksack..... .....the one I take to model railway exhibitions.
  7. A man goes to his psychiatrist and complains about a recurring dream of drowning in an ocean of orange pop. "It's ok", replies the psyciatrist. "It's just a Fanta sea"
  8. Unfortunate Unlucky Very difficult and sad in many ways Aaaaah Ditto Ditto Ditto I hope not.
  9. Did you hear the one about the Irishman, Welshman, Yorkshireman and Bedfordshireman ........................
  10. Mine was the Mother-in-Law.
  11. Doesn't sound good ..... ...but in this case having bad news is better than no news at all.
  12. Keeping to the 'nautical' theme two quick snaps from the last couple of days.
  13. I've just had 'trick or treaters' call. They pushed some plasticine through my letterbox. I just don't know what to make of it.
  14. Morning all Wet above Even wetter below. Bod RMweb news Middle of Lake Windermere
  15. Lakes day 1 Very pleasant journey across. Set of early and travelled up Weardale. Morning light on autumnal rusts was fantastic. Fed and watered now and feeling very relaxed. When you are far from artificial light the night sky is a thing of incredible awe and beauty. Fingers, toes and everything else crossed for Pete's well being.
  16. Morning all Doesn't look too bad outside. We are heading off to the Lakes for a couple of days. Hopefully, before too long, I will be breaking fast on Hartside with distant views of the Fells and the Solway Firth.
  17. You have been a member a good few years but I seem to remember you were spending a lot of time in tents in fields celebrating the end of tchnology projects and exams.
  18. I resent the implication that some of my posts may not have been insane.
  19. Wind the minute hand, bach.
  20. Who won tomorrow's Grand Prix then?
  21. On no account say "but if I paint the conservatory the rest of the house will look bad in comparison". Ask me how I know.
  22. ....plenty of time to think of an excuse then.
  23. .thginot kcab og skcolc ehT .tegrof t'noD
  24. Update: Very wet sleety snow*. Not really lying. One of the advantages of being on the coast (or disadvantages depending on how you look at it). The wind is quite biting though. * I know what I mean.
  25. Morning all Overslept by an hour this morning, perhaps my clock went back last night. Just going out for the papers now. Will find out just how cold it is.
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