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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Ok, we needed a (debatable) red card and didn't look comfortable even then, but at the moment I'll take anything. I'd second your sentiments regarding Martin Jol.
  2. I'd be tempted to blame it on the shopping.
  3. .......oh no you're not.
  4. Is it scratch built? It doesn't look like a bog standard kit.
  5. Morning all Grey and wet this morning. Just as well as there is a pile of unmarked exam papers sitting on my desk at the moment - alongside a couple of unbuilt Sturgeon kits. Decisions, decisions. Sadly, I know which one has to win. Ashers, the business studies teacher at our place used to teach typing when it was a subject in its own right and ended up with trigger thumbs. She blamed the space bar.
  6. The simple pleasures are always the best.
  7. It's on Sky Channel XXXX at 1 am next Thursday morning.
  8. That is so they can claim double the actual turnout.
  9. I thought you said we'd got rid of the silliness on the forum.
  10. Nah...... ...........shinned it.
  11. Ok. I've succumbed and googled. My old, now defunct layout appears much more frequently and prominently than I do. Which is just as it should be and how I like it.
  12. I googled myself once, a long time ago. I was playing for the local cricket team's third XI and it didn't half hurt.
  13. Morning all The site has just flashed up an error message: 'Error when storing your reputation vote' I apologise in advance to anyone who thinks I don't like them anymore.
  14. I can remember that too, even from primary school. We were also pointed in the direction of Robert Southey's 'The Cateract of Lodore' as an example of how to use a variety of words. One poem I never managed to learn by heart funnily enough. http://www.bartleby.com/270/1/240.html
  15. I think you are just frogging a dead hoar-se.
  16. I know you like German and Swiss railways but where is Mezzani?
  17. Morning all What's a Blue Pullman? Re Screwfix. Why are you going to a dating agency to buy drill bits? I have hit the 'like' button three times this morning. Don't get used to it, it won't last.
  18. Why did the vet shave the whole of your backend?
  19. Looks like I'm Justin time. I do admit to having a higher calling a few years ago. I bought an 'O' gauge wagon kit.
  20. After having given your predicament some careful thought, my considered opinion is that you should choose a name with fewer L's in it.
  21. Morning all Clear blue sky here but crisp air with a heavy overnight frost. Made my early walk really enjoyable.
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