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Everything posted by BoD

  1. This month we have a green bin, a blue bin and a black box. Who knows what they will give us next month? Whish I had shares in the bin manufacturer. Edit: whish I could spell wish
  2. Morning all Lots of oktas about so still raining here. Glad to see you can keep your sense of humour DD, in spite of everything.
  3. That was 07:12. It was raining by 07:23
  4. Yes I have it all cross referenced on stored on a database. For example on 27th November 2008, DD said "it's raining."
  5. Can I start by saying that you beast and Andy have my support and sympathy over what has happened and that I find the behaviour of others concerned childish to say the least, however I'm struggling to work out how Dave is apparently supporting such behaviour. He specifically states he is being non judgemental. I don't see him as being dismissive by suggesting that this topic might not be the best place to air these concerns. I don't think anyone has quite worked out what this thread is all about other than for light banter, originally early in the morning, and not just for 1350 pages but for many more in all of the previous versions of RMWeb. I'm struggling to find several disagreements caused on here by the nays. - a handful of posts with a couple putting forward counter points of view is hardly several disagreements. I suppose the nays have indirectly caused these but only because you chose to discuss these here. Nothing wrong with that, but wouldn't a topic of its own have been more appropriate. My only concern here is that ER's doesn't get bogged down in any of these disagreements and risk being locked. Edit: Several posts since I started typing and sad to see you goodbye post. I don't think anyone is belittling the issue, just the choice of ER's to air it.
  6. In amongst the heavy showers today there were a couple of fantastically beautiful rainbows, then you read of that poor elderly lady in St Asaph. As they say, every silver lining has a cloud.
  7. Just under half are within walking distance, or walking distance as deemed by the LEA which in effect means using public transport. Others come from two or three other ex-mining villages by school bus. We also have a few from further afield who come through either parental choice or have been directed here by other social factors. The number who are bussed to us is one factor when deciding if the school is open or closed in winter. The media, some parents and many in the private sector throw their hands up in horror over school closures but would be even more critical if nearly 500 children were stuck in school overnight, on the roads for hours, or even worse were involved in accidents. This is a no win situation for schools.
  8. Yep, here as large as life. No serious problems. I live on a slope with no stream to rise. Others have been less fortunate. Many roads closed so only inconvenience for me has been finding different routes to and from work and having to drive through standing water. Drivers were being courteous to each other allowing each other through in the centre of the road and so on so it wasn't too bad.
  9. I thought natterjacks were (nema)todes
  10. I'm sure she's just getting you ready for when you do forget. Hardly a dry run though. One day you will tank her for it.
  11. Yep, thanks for that link. Pity that there's no freight on it.
  12. After all these years I can still remember the makers name on the slide rules we used at school - British Thornton. The mind is a funny thing.
  13. I was looking at the travel news sections of the sites, Pete. Trouble is they aren't totally up to date. They tend to report incidents once everyone is caught up in them and don't clear details until well after they are actually cleared. I guess it's a spin off from relying on the public to phone in the information. Edit: Have just seen footage of various rail tracks in the Exeter area. It may be a while before they return to normal.
  14. I bet you still managed to use print characters to print that picture of Raquel Welsh though .... ...and the one of The Flying Scotsman too.
  15. Just arrived back, thankfully. Roads were bad, but not as bad as reported on BBC and local radio. Conditions are changing all of the time as the rains come and go. We are forecast harder times from about midnight on. Stay safe everone
  16. I'll see your two inches and raise you an inch.
  17. We had a computer visit us when I was at secondary school. It was a large white box that sat on two desks. The whole class filed in to watch the white coated technician from the Uni enter two numbers by turning dials to each digit. It gave the answer in binary by lighting a series of orange lights. We were very impressed when it added the two numbers. When I was in the sixth form we had a teletypewriter terminal connected to the local polytechnic. We typed Print "Hello". Fifteen minutes later the thing made a noise and the word Hello appeared on the toilet roll. Great excitement. More worrying, my daughter is driving home at the moment and both routes she would normally use are reported as being closed due to flooding. I've, more than half an eye out on the road watching for her arrival.
  18. Morning all At least I think it's morning. It hasn't got much lighter at all. It has been raining heavily since last night but I believe this is only the tail end of what others have had. Hope all are safe. Did Nostrodamus say anything about 2012?
  19. Hope you enjoy it. Sounds just the sort of thing I do, though. I went out once for a hat and came back with a very (for me) expensive DSLR camera - and no hat.
  20. How did you manage that? The x and r keys aren't even close.
  21. Morning all Enforced day off today. Have caught a bug that has been 'doing the rounds' and can't venture more than a few yards from the bathroom. I can work around most illnesses in the classroom but not this one. Still, it's very minor compared to the various troubles on here so I extend my sympathies to all effected in different ways. Anyone got any good news to share?
  22. Cor blimey. Ashers is Spike's granny.
  23. What about the rest of us?
  24. i dont mind ironin either - as long as I have some music to listen to. I'm sure the esteemed members here could suggest some suitable tracks.
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