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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Morning all I'm not sure whether I ticked 'like' on the above post for its humour, sagacity, poignancy or all three.
  2. I see you've had the operation too DD.
  3. Not if it means wearing one of those cones.
  4. Morning all Much brighter and milder today. Yesterday didn't get much above a dull twilight. I don't think I can remember a day quite like it in terms of not quite getting light. Tony: Perhaps Robbie's furry coat might be nature's way of telling you we are going to have a bad winter. If I were you I'd let the Met Office know.
  5. Morning all Arose earlier an had a quick look out of the window to check frost level. Not bad at all. Disappeared into the bathroom as you do, had a coffee and some breakfast (after the I came out of the bathroom, before you ask) and SWMBO came downstairs and asked "when did the snow fall". What snow? We now have a covering of snow, a light covering, but still a covering. All in the last hour.
  6. Is that because it's Barrow in Furnace?
  7. So you are heading up to the downs as a pick me up because you are down and on your uppers due to letting your hair down at a knees up? ..... perhaps Latin isn't all that bad after all.
  8. Talking of sprouts, it's very windy out this morning. Clear blue skies though. Barmy Army, Barmy Army, Barmy Army............
  9. ........or win some raffles.
  10. Hey, leave me out of this. (Mea non est culpabilis)
  11. Shoud be able to turn the new central heating right down then.
  12. Oh, it's an 'n'. My eyes aren't what they used to be.
  13. Shouldn't that be Paracetama ?
  14. I just jump straight to step 9. Saves time.
  15. ...to lean to one side.
  16. I heard a similar story but it involved a movement of her knee rather than her hand. It got a much better response from the crowd.
  17. Temperature has risen a few degrees above freezing. Snow and ice has all melted. Weekend forecast is mild. Council gritters have just been round for the first time. Someone has been on the Christmas spirit.
  18. Stop being silly at the back. Morning all.
  19. I thought that Risoni wrote the William Tell Overture.
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