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Everything posted by BoD

  1. That's ruined my Boxing Day. I had been looking forward to this all year.
  2. Yes, the whole year has been quite dire.
  3. There was an estimated 14,428,000 kg of sprouts sold this Christmas. They can't all have been in Gordon's vindaloo.
  4. Morning all May your days be merry and bright.
  6. BoD

    EBay madness

    Very nice it s too - but keep it to yourself or someone will pop round to the shop, buy it all up, fit DCC and sell it for double the price.
  7. Today I received a Xmas greeting via e-mail from some of the family in Canada. Attached was a powerpoint presentation - one of these slushy ones with the Christmas card type messages on it and music playing in the background. However the photographs used were just amazing. I have researched them and they are copyright, but I have found the originals and a couple of the links are below. I'm not a particular fan of North American/Cnadian railways but these ...... ...WOW!! http://www.railpictures.net/viewphoto.php?id=171742&nseq=2 http://www.railpictures.net/viewphoto.php?id=226518&nseq=0 http://www.railpictures.net/viewphoto.php?id=221306&nseq=1 If you want the full powerpoint PM me an e-mail address and I will forward it.
  8. And not forgetting that you have already filled all of the waste disposal sites south of Watford Gap ........ ..... twice.
  9. That new fitness regime seems to have done for DD.
  10. Just to put everyone's mind at ease ..... ...... my thumb has stopped bleeding. However, I have just burnt my finger on a soldering iron. There are times when you wish the Mayans had got it right.
  11. That's good ........ I like plain speaking.
  12. Morning all Guess what the weather here is like. Answers on the back of a five pound note to ...... For my latest plank effort I am going to give wire in tube point control a go, so I ordered some bits and pieces to have a play about with it. The parcel has just arrived and, like an excited kid at christmas (see what I did there?) I tore into the package and delved in to retrieve the enclosed goodies. Nobody told me how firm and sharp the wire is. Whereas little Jack Horner ended up with a plum on his thumb I just ended up with blood on mine. A good start to the day. P.S. Anyone know how to remove blood from an iPad screen?
  13. You may be waiting some time.
  14. How long, I wonder, before we read of someone who did actually take out a huge loan believing the world was going to end.
  15. My son has just won £1000 on a radio phone-in quiz. Nice little bonus just before Christmas I didn't think he was that clever.
  16. Morning all Not nice here but a bit better than yesterday. I don't believe that the world is going to e
  17. Ooooooo!! We have just had a mention first up on the traffic report on Classic FM. Fame at last.
  18. Was I supposed to take some kind of test before I started driving?
  19. Oh, forgot to mention the high winds with gale force gusts.
  20. Morning all v. dark v. v. wet v.v.v. miserable nothing new here then
  21. So many deserving posts this morning (and over the last couple of days) and not enough likes to go round so, to paraphrase, ....... .........one big like to each and everyone. You have cheered me up no end.
  22. Morning all Just watching breakfast news. Apparently there are only a few days left to Chrirtmas. I occasionally venture from our sheltered environs to read posts but very rarely contribute these days. I suspect there are a number of reasons for this. Thre is just too much material out there to keep up with. I guess this is a byproduct of rmwebs success and it is no longer the cosy club it once was. The plus side of this, of course, is that there are many more more qualified or experienced members out there so I feel less inclined to join discussions or reply to queries, some one else has already done it or said it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking it, I love an occasional browse but unless I limit it, it becomes more of a chore than a pleasure.
  23. I couldn't afford a personalised number plate so I changed my name by deed poll to NA07 ZDM
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