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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Glorious sunshine here on the barmy balmy north east coast. Shirt sleeve weather Honest.
  2. My neighbour knocked on my door at 2:00am last night. It's just as well I was still up practising my bagpipes.
  3. Morning all Looks like another quite cold one. Here the weather can be quite strange. Last night, right on the coast it was -1 and no snow at all. Less than a mile inland it was -4.5 and a good few cm of snow. I'm sure Matthew would be able to explain it.
  4. Thanks for all the replies. For whatever reason it is happening I cant get my head round why they don't grant pensioners abroad the same increases they would get if they were living here. It seems very petty.
  5. So is it the foreign Govt. that's actually paying the pension?
  6. I don't want to start a political argument but what possible justification could anyone give for this disparity?
  7. I've just checked my Burgers. They are low in fat but high in Shergar They are a new recipe too - laced with Red Rum
  8. Morning all A positively balmy -5.5 on the way to work this morning. Ice had to be scraped from car and roads on the estate were dodgy but because there was no overnight snow, the main roads were clear and on the whole, ice free. The weekend looks as though it may be interesting though. The pupils have been banned from snowballing today as it won't be snowballs but iceballs. Snowballs are ok (among consenting adults) but iceballs are a different kettle of fish.
  9. Strange. Insects are six footers, obviously imperial, yet centiipedes and millipedes are metric.
  10. They are taught about them now and do get confused - and all because us old fuddy-duddies are too lazy or ingrained to change. Runs for cover.
  11. ........ the field is out of bounds.
  12. Heavy snow on the way to work this morning. Nice thick stuff rather than the wet stuff we had yesterday. I think our freeze is due later. I should be out with my camera rather than at work
  13. I don't think it's happened yet, Pete.
  14. Morning all Need to go and clear the snow off the car but it's still snowing. May as well wait until I'm ready to go. It has just been on the local news that one College of F.E is offering a course aimed at preparing people for entry into TV talent shows. [victor meldrew mode] I just don't believe it. [/victor meldrew mode]
  15. Isn't that the problem?
  16. I'm ok. I've got a probation officer.
  17. It has been snowing heavily for most of today. However being near the coast it has been very wet snow and thawing almost as it hit the ground. It is lying inland though.
  18. I'm not sure what we are expecting - each time I look at a forecast it changes.
  19. As the Everley Brothers said 'So sad to watch good love go bad'
  20. 'Sounds like a scene from a model railway ......'
  21. To be honest, I've not met a female Hobbit so can't really comment.
  22. Be careful, she may think you are just Tolkein the mickey.
  23. Morning all 2-5cm on its way? Pah! Barely enough to cover a Hobbit's toes.
  24. It's not snowing here but the sky has just turned that strange yellowy shade of dark that means only one thing.
  25. It's only the teachers that that happens to these days.
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