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Everything posted by BoD

  1. It's snowing here. The first cm of our forecast 2-5 has arrived (ain't that terrible, Pete?) We haven't had any 'real snow' since I bought the grandson a sledge.
  2. Yvonne will be disappointed.
  3. You mean it's different rubbish?
  4. Yes, I can see the resemblance....... ...... no hair.
  5. Morning all Off to catch the train to Glasgow. I have a shopping list - but I don't mind this type of list one bit. Enjoy your Fridays. I know I will.
  6. I've just clicked like this .......... ...though I'm not quite sure I should.
  7. Idle speculation. Discharge the jury.
  8. 'I think I got away with it' Oh no you didn't. Almost as embarrassing as being able to answer a question on Take That. All quizzes are easy if you know the answer. I guess you were just unlucky with the questions in the final. C'mon you Spurs.
  9. Re Sat Nav. I love mine. It's the only chance I get to ignore a woman with impunity.
  10. I'm still 'pottering' on the puzzle Don. At the moment it is the boringish bits, rail painting and ballasting. Having said that, after an intense day at work, if I stick some music on, it can be quite therapeutic. I should be able to move onto constructing some buildings soon. For something that was supposed to be a 'quick fix' it is becoming quite time consuming - but I'm enjoying it, which is the whole point after all.
  11. Morning all After three days of report writing (suffering man-flu as well I'll have you know) I am going to have some me time. Yorkshire Dales or Moors today I think, with a FEB on the way and Model Rail Scotland tomorrow. I am going up by train so it should be a relaxing day all round.
  12. Can't. I've dot a ruddy dose.
  13. Mording all Half term and I've caught a code. It's dot fair. I was looking forward to Modelrail Scotland on Friday but not too sure now. Good to see you Jam. Whatever you decide I hope it goes well. First say to yourself what you would be; and then do well what you have to do. More importantly, enjoy doing it.
  14. Morning (ish) all. Have just spent some time looking at photos and videos of that Railmotor and caught glimpses of other locos too. You know, those GWR locos can quite grow on you.
  15. I think that that was the least of his worries.
  16. That sounds like somewhere I would very much enjoy. Kleine Matterhorn that is, not Paris I remember feeling similar breathlessness on Monte Bianco. The slides I took at the time are all glass mounted so I'm not sure how well they would scan.
  17. There's a hole in my bucket ..........
  18. Another trip to the skips is in the offing then?
  19. Morning all Do your rooms have numbers on the doors or nameplates, Don? You could always swap them around during the night.
  20. I must have quickly read over Gordon's post and failed to spot the import - it was early after all. Still, better late than never, what great news. I bet Sam's pleased too.
  21. They'll soon have the thief under lock and key.
  22. A couple of posters on the wall of Oscar Pistorius should do the trick.
  23. Daughter went to register with a GP close to her new abode. She had to take a full medical before they would accept her. Wonder what would have happened if she had failed.
  24. Have a safe and enjoyable trip Tony.
  25. I wasn't. I just thought that the daft so and so has gone and got tangled in the zimmer frames in the dining room doorway again.
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