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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I wish I only taught on Sundays.
  2. Morning all Clear blue skies and wall to wall sun yesterday, and today ........ ....... it's snowing. Lightly and it's not really lying but ths is starting to get silly.
  3. Mmmmm, where to start. I think, given that David Miliband is an Arsenal supporter without any real connection to the N.E. other than his constuency just happens to be here, his acceptance of a non-executive role at SAFC was probably as politically motivated as his reasons for leaving. He probably only took the role at Sunderand because Newcastle didn't offer him a position. Anyway best be careful as the line between football and politics here is a fine one. Di Canio? It's probably too late but the team needs motivating and he seems to be able to get people's bums* into gear. It may be that his experience getting a team promoted will come in useful next season. Martin O'Neil? Everyone had high hopes but sadly his tactics and motivation have left an awful lot to be desired. The stats don't lie. It's a pity, but defending with eleven players all of the time lost the supporters (and games) very quickly. *other expressions are available.
  4. Morning all (eh?) Just back from York show. Very enjoyable. Followed by an unhurried drive back over the Yorkshire Moors. Great day all round. Picked up plenty of necessary bits and pieces, not one of them RTR.
  5. I see Cambridge took Silver.
  6. Given that both Popes are now in residence will the Vatican be known as Frankie and Benny's?
  7. Probably to stop you singing in the bath.
  8. I didn't realise that the disciples suffered the same affliction as Hitler.
  9. That's one sort of flash the operators wouldn't mind though.
  10. I've spent all day convinced that it is Saturday. Work yesterday, off today. It can only be a Saturday! I'm not sure when you go Tony, or even if you've already gone, but have a great time whenever.
  11. Woke to grey clouds and a light covering of snow this morning so the wind won. It's Ok though, British Summer Time kicks in this weekend. Broke up for a fortnight yesterday so should be able to do something more to the shunting plank.
  12. Apparently, after another couple of weeks of cold temperature, the weather is forecast to change to ....... ....... unsettled. Something to look forward to then.
  13. The sun has been out all afternoon here and there is a bit of warmth in it. Unfortunately that cold easterly is still blowing. At the moment the score is Wind 5; Sun 0
  14. I think a lot of 'touristy' places that start their season on the Easter weekend might suffer this year. The ski areas are happy enough though.
  15. I wonder if she may be stopped a few times too, just to check that it is her.
  16. He must have turned left after swimming the English Channel rather than right.
  17. Tomorrow I must remember to put a long sleeve shirt on rather than just a t-shirt and shorts.
  18. I have just returned from my daily constitutional. I don't think I've ever felt a wind as bitingly cold as today. Certainly not down at this level.
  19. What on earth was Hodgson thinking of in his team selection? He should have dropped Hart and played another striker.
  20. I spent the first fifty years of my life avoiding having my photograph taken. I had it down to a fine art. Then someone had the bright idea of fitting cameras to phones.
  21. A play a month Ashers? You must be a very busy/talented/clever lot. Dry and quite mild here. Honest. With apologies to some poet or other it seems we have snow to the left of us, snow to the right and snow to the front. It's missed us completely.
  22. Well you wouldn't ....... you don't work for the Scottish government.
  23. Morning all. There's a light covering of snow here this morning. What's more concerning though is it looks as if the skies have cleared and it has frozen solid. Take care, whether it's snow, ice or heat you suffering today.
  24. I hope this 'safety check' involves the use of a torch rather than a lighted match. Just in case.
  25. It may be purely coincidence, the 'safety' visit only a week after the bill issue. To be honest though, I'd rather they just said, look there's a discrepancy between your reading and our estimate so we'd like to come out and read the meter and check that you haven't been up to anything untoward. I'd have respected them more for it.
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