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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Mrs BoD and I had a run out today to the upper reaches of Weardale and the North Pennines. There are still waist deep snowdrifts by the side of the roads over the tops. Before we went we talked to a friend who is a season ticket holder with Durham Cricket Club. He was off to the first match of the new season today.
  2. I'm very proud of my vernaculars....... ......but obviously not as proud as Pete is. Morning all I just can't shake this chesty cough. It's the seventh night of little or only fitful sleep. I feel like a zombie. If I had known it was going to last this long I would have made a appointment to see my GP on the first day. That would mean I would have had an appointment for sometime next week.
  3. BoD

    EBay madness

    You may well be right, but I guess this isn't necessarily aimed at railway modellers or collectors. What s he going rate for Stobart collectables?
  4. Good morning/afternoon/evening Tony.
  5. I've done as Pete suggested and searched YouTube but can't find any of their songs anywhere.
  6. Morning all Another 'late' riser this morning. I have had a strange cold. It bypassed the runny nose/head achy/sneezy stage and went straight onto my chest. If it was one of my normal colds this phase lasts a day at the most. I have had four nights of constant coughing and so very little sleep. It's much worse when I lie down so I have been sleeping in the recliner to try and ease it a bit, but mainly not to keep Mrs Bod awake too. At the moment I am thoroughly cheesed off and (apparently) behaving like a bear with a sore head. Hopefully it won't last much longer. Still, not nearly as bad as some others' worries. Take care all.
  7. I know that posts in wheeltappers don't count towards an individual's post tally. If they aren't counted in the site's stats we passed one million posts a while ago. Edit: if they do count thy make up nearly a fifth of all posts
  8. There's an obvious reply here..... ....... but I'll resist the temptation.
  9. I called Chanel No 5 once.
  10. ..... and on race cards Tony always appears as A Dobbin
  11. I've just been round to the bookies and put a stake on it.
  12. If it wins it will be 'well done'.
  13. There is, in this area, a bakers called Gelders. Of course they produce Gelder's meat pies. I always thought it an unfortunate name.
  14. I didn't realise Sunset was a Polish surname.
  15. BoD

    EBay madness

    It may have been based on the Hornby version.
  16. ........ must be that guitar you've got stuck up your nose then.
  17. That's a good day for me.
  18. BoD

    EBay madness

    ......when it's so obviously to P4 standards.
  19. Remember, Debs ....... One for all, all for one. Especially the 'all for one' bit.
  20. Good maudlin' all. If you are going to maudle, Leonard is probably as good a place as any to start. As the sky is blue and Mrs Bod has a day off, she has decided that we are going 'out'. This often involves a FEB on the way to somewhere quite pleasant so I don't mind in the slightest. Still a bit cold though, so we will need to be well wrapped up. We are of the opinion that there is no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing. I wonder if she fancies a trip on the NYMR.
  21. Yes, after all it is a forum for railway maudlers.
  22. No, not necessarily .... ....... but it would make the other six days a lot easier.
  23. Don, I have been using it for shunting puzzles - based on the pick a card method. I suppose it's not the same as doing it in front of scenery (ask Ashers) but still enjoyable. The rails have been painted and ballasting started but it's not worth putting any pictures up yet. Last week i started working on the retaining walls and tunnel that will hide the off scene entry track. I will report as soon as these are in place.
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