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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Morning all Looks as though the weather is still deciding what to do to me today. You mean there are some that would be kwik to offer less than honest advice?
  2. ...... and they should never tie a kangaroo down for sport.
  3. ......and to be honest, Suarez is quite good too.
  4. He hasn't been active on RMweb for over a month, hope all is well. As we have said in the past though, with 'virtual' friends, there is no way of knowing.
  5. You mean they weren't grown there?
  6. A mathematical joke ...... What did 0 say to 8? Nice belt!
  7. It wasn't Gordon, was it?
  8. Gordon, I have shared gluten free bickies and cakes with a friend who suffers, and they aren't bad at all. I did have a huge smile the other day. It was even wider when I saw the photo of the stupid bloke* trying to punch a police horse. He was always going to lose that one. I assume he'd been watching Blazing Saddles. *I won't insult real fans by calling him a Newcastle supporter.
  9. Seeing that photo of Pete made me think of this for some reason. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-22141438 As they used to say in exams 'Compare and contrast ........'
  10. How on earth did you manage to turn away 300 fans? No tickets? Elf and safety?
  11. Glad to see you back safe and sound Tony. Will you be staying long this time?
  12. Morning all Full eight oktas again, although it did break for some sunny spells yesterday. Mrs Bod suggests shopping today. I objected on religious grounds, day of rest, etc etc. When I asked her what was for breakfast she said "well there's a loaf and some fish you could work with". Shopping it is then.
  13. Mmm, something for us to chew over.
  14. Looks like you're saddled with it then.
  15. Morning all Dull, full set of oktas here. I thought it was supposed to be getting a bit warmer. No sign of that here. Have a good weekend one and all.
  16. BoD

    EBay madness

    In that case I'm tempted to see how much I could get for this...... Edit to point out that it is mint, kit built, professionally weathered, test run and has never been taken out of it's box.
  17. Your herons must be ravenous too.
  18. Morning all I see that the millionth post was passed yesterday And the frightening thing ........ ...... we have contributed just over one in twenty five of those posts. Make of that what you will.
  19. Wow - bagpipes with strings.
  20. With apologies to the cat lovers on here, I have nothing against cats per se, but .... If I were to climb the fence and deficate on my neighbour's lawn they would be most upset and probably try to have me arrested. Why then, can they send their accomplice to do the same to me with total impunity?
  21. We spent many a happy day as youngsters running along the beach jumping over groins. Actually that is just lazy reporting. In that context the spelling is groyne
  22. It looks similar but there are noticeable differences. It was on the second hand shelf among a load of other cheap stuff.
  23. As I was browsing the model shop on Hexham station today I noticed this. Well for £1 it was rude not to. Trouble is it won't fit retrospectively onto current shunting plank so i will probably have to build another around this.
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