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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Morning all ....... and no, I haven't just got up. Mrs BoD is at work so I have had a leisurely breakfast and read of the paper. Even when Mrs BoD is not at work we tend not to head for the bank holiday traffic jams anyway. A walk and then a rearranging of the various projects in the study/on the work bench is on the cards today.
  2. Could be just a problem with the languor-age.
  3. Fascinating post Neil. Thank you for sharing it. I wonder how that 'Sulzer' would have sat in a Class 26.
  4. Having thoroughly enjoyed yesterday's Championship finale and now watching a fascinating League Two playoff, I sometimes wonder if we really need the Premiership and all of its associated 'baggage'.
  5. I didn't mean to sound disparaging about Morecambe, Stewart. I was just the way I found it at the time. As I said, all very sad really but I guess not to dissimilar to many former seaside 'resorts'. It's good to hear that efforts are being made to change things.
  6. Whilst I don't have legions of fans, possess only a modicum of talent and certainly don't earn large amounts I seem to be going through something similar at the moment. Pete describes something that, up to now, I haven't quite been able to put my finger on. I guess this explains the phrase 'a change is as good as a rest'. Sometimes easier said than done.
  7. Someone once suggested tying a brightly coloured ribbon around the case handle which we duly did. Unfortunately at least half of the people there must have heard the same ...... ....... and had the same colour.
  8. No, I'd left the mother-in-law at home.
  9. It was actually quite sad. The railway station had been moved back from the front and the original building was a mess, being converted to a mall of some description. The wonderful art deco Midland hotel was crumbling and their equivalent of the winter gardens/tower ballroom was all boarded up and quite desolate. I don't remember if there was tumbleweed but it wouldn't have surprised me. Strangely, there was a feeling about those buildings, like they had a memory of their own. Totally ridiculous, I know, but you could just sense, you could feel, what it would have been like in its heyday. A wierd sensation altogether. Nurse, nurse, where's my tablets.
  10. I went to Morecombe once. ........it was shut.
  11. I don't follow any of the teams involved but I am watching things unfold as in interested outsider. The position changes by the second. Fascinating, but probably unbearable for those with a more vested interest.
  12. DD, if timed release is not an issue MIL's pharmacist should be able to provide her presciption in a package with individually dated and timed compartments containing only the pills that need to be taken.
  13. ......and rattle a lot when Yvonne chases me around the corridors.
  14. Many happy returns Stewart. Good to see you back Don.
  15. I can't even start to tell you how much of a relief that is.
  16. Morning all I actually 'did a beast' and took some photos on the way to work this morning. I like my new camera very much. (Mrs Bod wasn't as keen for some reason). Hopefully it will help encourage me to get of my fat backside and out more. This is something that I really enjoy but, for some reason, has disappeared from my life over the last year or so.
  17. Went out to do a bit shopping. Came back with a new camera. It's not the first time I've done something like that. Might be the last.
  18. How many sets of clubs have you taken to the skip?
  19. Morning all Gordon has looked in, Don. I suspect it was just a quick visit as he was checking the weather on the golf course. Beautiful sunny day up here. Not that that helps Gordon.
  20. Morning all This outbreak of weasels is worrying. How will it affect other wildlife?
  21. . A colleague has been feeling low recently and her joints have been giving her discomfort. After tests the doctor found out that her Vitimin D levels were less than one tenth of the recommended microwhatsit per millithingy. He could give her a supplement but said that this could only ever replace a small amount as the rest had to come from sunshine. After the year we have had I would be surprised if there aren't more suffering from this. Unfortunately the doctor wouldn't give her a holiday in the sun on the NHS.
  22. ..... but not canibalism. I can agrre with what you say about pespective, espcially when it comes to the 'celebrity culture' but when it comes to one human being assulting another, for no logical reason, it is an outrage. That that assault involves biting and takes place during a sporting event makes it all the more outrageous.
  23. Could save on earrings.
  24. Morning all Looks bright and sunny out there. Not forecast to stay that way. Yesterday's howler: 'He was a tall man with a balled head'
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