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Everything posted by BoD

  1. If it wasn't for the fact that Sunderland were involved I too would have liked Wigan to have escaped again. What a roller coaster few days for their fans. http://metro.co.uk/2013/05/12/alan-pardew-arsenal-can-beat-newcastle-4-0-for-all-i-care-3756457/
  2. Morning all Ian: have a good trip. Despite Andy's best efforts I don't think there's a button suitable for your last post.
  3. When I suffer from indecision I just take a couple of Rennies Not if taken using the iPad's own camera.
  4. Quite alright Pete. I'm used to it I'm married.
  5. What a finish to the playoff semi final. You could not have written the script. Well done Watford.
  6. I'd press one of those button thingies but I'm scared I might break it again.
  7. I have just been for my daily constitutional, a bit breezy but very enjoyable. It looks like I have got back home just before the rain. Managed to fit in my good deed for the day too. A young lady cyclist was struggling with her bike as the chain had come off. A couple of seconds and it was back on again. The thing is, I had walked past her and had to think hard about whether I should stop and offer help or whether she would feel threatened. It wasn't really a lonely out of the way location but there weren't many others about either. I obviously decided to go back and help and she was most grateful. Isn't it sad though, that we've built a society that even made me think twice in the first place.
  8. When I took my last car in for part exchange and the salesperson asked what I would like for it I replied that I'd be happy with a cup of coffee and a biscuit. Funnily enough that was about all I got.
  9. Ah........ It's the motorbikes that have this valve gear.
  10. Having led a very sheltered life I'll just have to take your word for it.
  11. Mapmaking is obviously not their core business.
  12. It was sunny here earlier with a lovely sunrise. It's now raining and very blustery. A good day for marking the pile of exam papers sitting on the table.
  13. Most definitely a Meldrew moment. It was Newcastle Airport. They are off to South West Ireland for a couple of weeks. A most beautiful area I have been told.
  14. Uneventful trip to the airport. Roads were very quiet. Pulled into drop off area no problem. There for all of thirty seconds. Charged to get out. I just don't believe it.
  15. Morning all Sorry to read your post Ed. Despite all the flak that flies about these people do really work wonders, so I'm sure they will sort you out. I'm playing Dad's Taxi this morning and doing an airport run...... and I thought life would get easier once they left home. Edit for crappy autocorrection.
  16. It worries me that there may come a time when I have to ask to go to the toilet more often than my pupils.
  17. Wow !! Huge breaking news on the manager front. Hartlepool have sacked theirs.
  18. Ok, ok, you don't have to rub it in. Not at the moment it ain't.
  19. The F.A. are going to implement a minutes applause at all premier games this weekend in appreciation of Sir Alex Ferguson. It will last for one and a half minutes.
  20. Difficult to tell, but if someone has climbed up and added those two extra lines - brilliant.
  21. Red campion DD? The daffs have not been out long up here.
  22. Well that's the walk walked. Now do I tidy up as I promised or ................
  23. Now that would be unusual. Agree with you about it being good to have him back though.
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