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Everything posted by BoD

  1. The Waskerley Way Cycle track? Edit: If you will bear with me, it's many a month since I have played so it may be tomorrow morning before I can refresh my memory as to how I cut and pasted squares.
  2. Googled 'any history of TMS' Didn't realise that Telekom Malaysia was so boring or Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation so intriguing.
  3. ....... ok, who's going to be first to mention the batsman's Willey.
  4. Yes, and that plank that had to be crossed on the path down the cliff side....... And talking of sex of coal, I can remember (just) when the whole load was just dumped in the back street and had to be loaded into the coal house through the wooden hatch. By the time I moved to secondary school we were posh, we had coke.
  5. Morning all As others, we seem to have wall to wall sunshine today. Unfortunately I can't take advantage by going walking as I seem to have pulled something or tweaked something in my calf muscle. it's been bugging me for nearly a fortnight now. It eases up a bit when I rest it, or overnight, but as soon as I walk on it, it's back to square one. This afternoon, I am told, I am going to look at wedding cars. At one point it was going to be wedding horses and carts so I guess I should be thankful for small mercies.
  6. That probably explains why it has rained on me for the last six months then.
  7. Don't quote me on this ...... ....... but ........ ..........the sun has just broken through the cloud.
  8. Morning all Dull grey, wet and windy just for a change.
  9. Be careful how you go - their ladders might be left hand drive.
  10. Ashers' post says it all.
  11. It was a tip I got from my brother-in-law, a gynaecologist. I think he was talking about changing bulbs in cars.
  12. Stick your mobile phone in and take a photo first
  13. Morning all Just catching up with the latest on the tornado on Breakfast News. Awful.
  14. I was quite pleased with this one though it was taken some time ago and not the sharpest photo in the world.
  15. Morning all Rain has given way to dense fog. It must be summer then. Happy birthday Sherry.
  16. ...... I'm surprised they haven't got you trained to wait for them to shout "pull".
  17. Similar weather over here on the Nort East coast. Reports of lots of road closures at the moment. I hope that it clears up soon as I have another airport run to do tomorrow. As things stand I would have trouble finding a route that isn't either closed or passable only with care.
  18. First dinner sitting? Sounds too much like school for my liking.
  19. Thanks DD and others. Would have awarded an informative and funny at the same time if I could have done? Informunny? Funormative? Can one avoid formal? I tend to avoid formal if I can.
  20. Wow! Multi-tasking. That's impressive.
  21. Mrs BoD wants to 'do a cruise' and as she's humoured me often in the past I fear that I will have to grin and bear it. To be honest people who I know who have been on a cruise have been positive about the experience. I'm still not convinced it is for me but one day soon I will find out. How formal are these things? Or can you pick and choose these days?
  22. ...or Mushroom Cloud Soup
  23. Morning all Cloudy here too. I wonder if it's the same cloud.
  24. Morning all Whilst I'm delighted to hear Ed's news and am happy to give him a supportive 'smiley' it feels totally alien to me to send a heart to another bloke. Perhaps it's just an age/generation thing.
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