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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I have just been for a walk and to collect the morning paper. It has been raining, Ma Nature has done her washing. Everything smells so fresh, every scent magnified. Wonderful. Thankfully no burger joints on my route.
  2. No don't. That would spoil the surprise.
  3. Take care, Debs. We are all with you.
  4. Tour de France. Open golf. Ashes Test. And here's me with only two eyes.
  5. I'm in a clasrrom, windows wide but temp up to 34. Not as bad as DD but I'm about to add 30 hot and uncomfotable teenagers ..........
  6. 'Cricket and golf, not sure what to watch/listen to...' Looking at the scores ........ neither.
  7. I think it's symptomatic of this country, Pete. When it's a little bit warm the press moans for us and the powers that be like to tell us what we can and can't do. When it's a bit cold and snows the powers like to tell us what we can and can't do and the press moans for us. When it rains a bit ........ you get the picture? That vast, vast majority just get on with things. Having said that, problems do occur when the temp is high or low compared with what is the norm, not the rest of the world. They are talking of 760 extra deaths attributable to problems exacerbated by the heat already. In France almost 15000 died in the summer of 2003 and they would probably consider what we are having as coolish.
  8. I think it is cheaper if you buy them in packs of three. The ones with scrubbers on one side work best. Nationality is not really an issue.
  9. Silicone? Is that not just a dunce's cap?
  10. Enjoy your vacancies Ashers. You could say that they came to a sticky end.
  11. BoD

    EBay madness

    Paint it yellow. You will treble the price.
  12. I dont think I've had my day yet. Time is running out
  13. I've never been near Bristol.
  14. A happy Sunday too you too Don, our leading ray of sunshine. Enjoy you train photography up on the Cajon Pass Dave. Have safe journeys if you are travelling and a relaxing day if you are not For those at work or with onerous tasks, I hope your day isn't too bad. Well I think that's all the bases covered, as Beast would now say.
  15. /rant mode on Yesterday Mrs BoD received a missive from HMRC explaining that due to an error she owed them a (very) small amount of tax. Today she received a second letter explaining how they intended to collect this money. Why on earth two letters? Either they are totally incompetent or perhaps it is part of a Government plot to make the Royal Mail seem profitable before they sell it off? Given that this error affected all employees at her place of work (a supermarket whose name starts and ends with the first letter of the alphabet) the cost would not be small. I'm sorely tempted to suggest to her that she takes up their offer of paying it back over three years. / rant mode off
  16. What's the quote? Separated by a common language? Don: it is a model railway exhibition but organised (or sponsored) partly by one of the hobby's magazines. The puzzle is progressing, albeit slowly (the story of my life at the moment). I have just checked on my topic about it and the last post was by Simon. Poignant.
  17. I'm off to the Hornby Magazine exhibition at Hartlepool tomorrow Don. Today I'm post processing and printing wedding photographs. What is FRED? It's a time exposure so could the red dots be a flashing red light (FRED?) on the rear of a train?
  18. You could re-trace your route and see if there is a mysterious knocking just lying in the road somewhere and fix it back on.
  19. 'It was a mysterious knocking' Perhaps it fell off.
  20. BoD

    EBay madness

    He also lacks the manners to list what he is actaully selling. Ok there's a photo but ......
  21. I tried to book an appointment today after a referral from my GP. According to the booking system none of the five choices of hospital I was given have any appointments available. As I haven't been to a hospital as a patient since I had my adenoids removed some fifty years ago I am a bit unfamiliar with the way these things work. Is this normal?
  22. I think my blood group is red. One of my neighbours is convinced that theirs is blue.
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