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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Branston has always been a dangerous substance.
  2. Good news: research has shown that 'night owls' are more likely to be evil than early risers. Apparently it's an evolutionary trait stemming from when the hours of darkness concealed various nefarious activities. Some animals use the cover of darkness to steal* females from the more dominant male. * other euphemisms are available.
  3. Morning all I've forgotten what an okta looks like. Open emergency top lights play havoc with noise cancelling headphones. Just thought you should know.
  4. Obviously no Geography questions then.
  5. I think some here (no names mentioned) may have contributed in their own inimitable way to the creation of wheeltappers in the first place.
  6. Morning all Has anyone ever looked back over our 1900 pages of drivel. No, me neither.
  7. Morning all As our nominated dishwasher I need quite a number of spare parts. Shortly I will be heading of to the North Yorks. Moors Railway. Hopefully another enjoyable day in the offing.
  8. That'll do fine. I think it's just about got ER's covered.
  9. Evening all I started this morning with a bacon sarnie on Newcastle station then I popped down to Doncaster and spent a pleasant few hours drinking coffee and watching trains. I returned to Durham in time to see a pair of 37s on a charter. They didn't half 'gie it laldy' as they pulled away from the station and over the viaduct. Apart from catching a bit too much sun, today has been a good day.
  10. Mornin all Stewart, you're not telling me that there are some people who haven't heard of Oor Wullie or Maw, Paw and the rest of the family? Shame on them.
  11. Do you think the bookies will pay each way on my bet that it would be a girl?
  12. Been... done .... T-Shirt.....etc. Nice photos non-the-less. Must admit I'm not particularly keen on her in green. Marginally better than black though.
  13. I hate computers... Or windows..... Or microsoft. or all three. I have a photo file which was skipped over during backup and caused an error message (indecipherable as per). Now trying to load it, right click it or delete it causes windows to sulk and not respond. I don't think the file is infected. It's not an important file I just want to delete it. Half a day of my life wasted so far. I wonder what would happen if we all billed Microsoft for the time wasted by them.
  14. Last week Mrs Queen commented on how she hoped that there wouldn't be much more waiting. Prince Charles said he knew how she felt.
  15. Morning all Full eights here again. I washed the car yesterday evening. It's had more washes in its first month than the old one had in seven years. It won't last (the washing thing that is - I hope the car does).
  16. Half a hob-nob and slice of mouldy bread....... Luxury ...........
  17. Will you lot bee hive yourselves.
  18. It would have been able to hide much better if it were a zebra. But it probably wouldn't have been called Spot
  19. Wonder if Beast has had a pee and gone back to sleep yet.
  20. BoD

    EBay madness

    That means I have a tie that says I'm a simpleton. Explains a lot.
  21. Morning all Hope the weather is 'holding up' where you are. Up here we had the glorious sunshine right up until we broke up on Friday afternoon and then we didn't. It was as if someone had flicked a switch. Full eight oktas since. Buddy typical.
  22. They won't get much (allegedly).
  23. A railway room with a shower and loo? There's posh.
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