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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Yes, thoughts are with you DD.
  2. I dunno they can sort of Gro annnnnn you.
  3. Aarrghh. I must have unlucky written across my forehead. We are still having major work done the house. I finally managed to get an appointment to see the specialist my GP referred me to but bang in the middle of Mrs BoD's time off work. Therefore we decided not to take a holiday this time round. Just last night we decided that we could do with some sort of break and so looked at a few days at a hotel somewhere north of the border - our favourite places and kin are all up there. This morning I managed to book a few days away. It's not the best timing and not what we would have ideally wanted but as I had to work around the hospital appointment it would do. Thirty minutes after I booked, the postman arrived with a letter cancelling the appointment.
  4. Wonder if that how Aditi is so short in the first place.
  5. That sounds as if it should be the name of a breed of rabbits
  6. Me too - but I'm wuthering a bit. We may just have to make do with his avatar picture - heard in the band is worth two in the bush.
  7. Have just looked at buying tickets to see the Lindisfarne Gospels in Durham. They were £7.50 and they recommend buying a timed slot in advance as demand is so high but ...... A £2 transaction fee for buying online? You work out the % If you are good enough to print your own ticket though they will only charge you £1 for the privilege of doing that. They expect to sell at least 50,000 tickets. That's £50 - £100k for whoever is running the ticketing system. Disgusting.
  8. Try reading it back to front.
  9. I'm Ian N0! I'm Ian I'm ..........
  10. .....and two to get out.
  11. Morning all Talking of different contents of pies I've always wondered about these.... http://www.thisisnorthumberland.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Gelders.jpg I do hope it's a family name and not an occupation.
  12. I can remember when a certain member here disagreed with one of my erudite, charming and witty posts just to see how the ruddy button worked.
  13. My mum, 80, still dusts and runs the vacuum cleaner over before her cleaner comes. It's a pride thing I think, common to her generation.
  14. BoD

    EBay madness

    ...... ans at that price I think I'd want to pay a bit more than the £4.10 economy delivery.
  15. Well given that the first one obviously didn't work ........
  16. Morning all Am sitting in Waterstone's typing this and drinking coffee. I have a pile of new books sitting next to me thanks to a gift card I was recently given. The only railway connection is one of the books is 'On the Slow Line'. As much of the travel writing genre as it is about railways but I have previously read the first chapter and enjoyed it. I must own to being a bit of a bibliophile, well a huge bibliophile actually. I cannot bear to discard any book, even to good causes. I think today's to do list will have to include either a new shelf somewhere (difficult to find space) or a complete new set of shelves.
  17. I thought your posts of posts very artistic. In a post-modernistic sort of way. Seriously - some fantastic texture there.
  18. BoD

    EBay madness

    ...... and it's not RARE either. At least he is trying to be honest with his description, unlike some .......
  19. I saw one for the first time last week. Gimmick or not it certainly attracted a large crowd of people all agreeing that it was kind of Morrison's to install a machine to keep them cool.
  20. An essential skill I didn't get where I am today without being able to tell my cucumber from my gherkins.
  21. At the wedding I photographed the ashes of the brides's mother were present throughout the ceremony and reception. This was done in a most tasteful and joyful way and yes, there was some sorrow but obviously no small amount of comfort and happiness that 'she was there' too. A photograph of this and the brides boquet is one of the favourites in the album. Cody will always be with you in a sorrowful but joyful way too.
  22. Morni g all. Not a particularly early riser this morning. Perhaps I'm turning evil. I've also been reminded what an okta is ..... With a vengeance. It's so good to see your post Debs.
  23. Er .... don't tell anyone but ....... ........I quite like shopping in Morrisons. Can I take anything for it?
  24. That's good Tony I can't remember what I posted yesterday.
  25. That was on the 31st June 2011 if I remember correctly.
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