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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Single shot is better - doesn't affect the taste as much.
  2. Careful - you will be joining the Ramblers' Association next
  3. Morning all Sunny outside at the moment. I'm very envious of Mike - going to the test match that is, not necessarily the car, although that sounds nice too. Now that RMweb is littered with various adverts I wonder what products would be targeted at ER's.
  4. Was that before or after you moved?
  5. Given that some of our recent pictures look quite stunning on my iPad and I mostly browse photos on the computer or tv nowadays I wonder if printed photographs are soon going to be a thing of the past - and just how many of the megapixels we have on our cameras are not really necessary.
  6. There goes a brave man.
  7. Morning(ish) all. Just back from a walk and (as Shedman found) there were bees and butterflies too numerous to count. Fantastic sight and what a change from this time last year.
  8. Doesn't that symbol mean dry clean only?
  9. Morning all Wonder where Don Bradley is. Hope it is just his dodgy connection again. Have a good day one and all.
  10. I get one 'Funny' and Beast gets four. What's the matter with you lot? Can you not see my post or something?
  11. I try to avoid using this crossing if I can.
  12. I believe the East Midlands 156 on the Ipswich - Lowestoft service is on temporary hire or loan.
  13. Tony: When people don't read my e-mails properly I make a comment about invisible ink.
  14. Bet James Dyson had a hand in that.
  15. Morning all Today's task: wait for washing machine engineer to arrive. When asked if he could give a rough idea he said "I do call outs between 9 and 5" Guess who decided to cancel their washing machine insurance just two or three months ago.
  16. Mine is Tom Baker or Jon Pertwee. Let's not get into a discussion about assistants though.
  17. In that case I can help - it's un abre
  18. BoD

    EBay madness

    Given the sellers name do you think we might have a disappointed dad here?
  19. I thought being in Wales it would have been Brynn Tersaurus
  20. Morning all Looks like it is going to be another fine day. What is going on? Have a good day whatever you are up to.
  21. ..... and they're off. Far too early for my liking though. I'm still in cricket/golf/summer hols mode.
  22. Do you still have to fill in the risk assessment forms?
  23. .... it makes War and Peace look like a haiku.
  24. It's a strange hobby this Tony If you just run something you like, or you can't say the exact year and location of your layout, or use the wrong shade of paint, or have the wrong signal (sorry Beast ) you aren't a true railway modeller but are just playing with toy trains. I suppose it is true, you aren't producing an accurate model of the real thing. Me? I'll continue playing with my toy trains.
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