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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Did someone commit an insecticide?
  2. Evening all This building lark here isn't half dragging on. We are sick and tired of living out of boxes and crates but keep telling ourselves it will be worth it in the end. Can't complain about the builders though, they have been really good. They have kept disruption to a reasonable level and have made sure that we have always had 'the necessaries' and some part of house habitable. When you see the circumstances in which some have to live we can only count our blessings.
  3. We could all chip in with a quip here.
  4. Were you trusseded to carry out this task?
  5. In that case, for the empty one you would need some hose. Many happy returns Tony.
  6. Ah well. Satchel packed (remember that Tony?) Start of new term today. Builders running a bit late so they start ripping out the bathroom tomorrow. Should be challenging trying to ablute on a morning. We are giving serious consideration to a cheap hotel or b&b for a couple of days. .
  7. ..... And me. Then you can have the third one for free.
  8. Given that I wasn't even in the queue, never mind at the back of it, when they were giving out singing voices, quite probably.
  9. I went last Sunday Don. It was very enjoyable with some excellent layouts, good trade and very nice Danish pastries. Didn't we have a discussion on here some time ago about different people's understanding of this/last/next week/weekend? Wall to wall blue skies here again this morning. This is getting boring. Most of those who buit Arks last year have started dismantling them. The song "Oh he's football crazy, he's football mad ......" has just come on the radio. It's years since I have heard that and memories of junior school have just come flooding back. Once a week, the whole school sitting crossed legged in the hall, one crackly speaker and everyone 'Singing Together' .
  10. I think it's a sales ploy, Ian. Take a loss in the tyres initially, but ........ Scene 1: Saleroom (Sunday afternoon) "Don't those alloys look nice, and those tyres look really fast, don't they". "Yes, and they come as standard" Scene 2: KwikTyre. (not that) much later "How much did you say?"
  11. I'd give Ashers' post a thumbs up but it might upset her.
  12. You mean they pinched some of the trackwork too?
  13. That is sad news. I have just been to the BBC site and they have a recording of his commentary on 'that' Baa-Baa try. The two complement each other perfectly.
  14. Use tinned tomatoes. Sogginess guaranteed.
  15. In our case it was down to the beach with tomato, egg and sand sandwiches. Wrapped in tin foil they always seemed to go claggy. Didn't spoil the hours of fun in the sea or mooching about the rockpools though.
  16. Am I the only one to notice that Beast hasn't been back since he posted this?
  17. Happy Birthday Don. Congratulations to Ashers and to Ashers' other half too. Any one I've missed? Tough!
  18. Morning all Wall to wall blue sky here again. We are being spoilt. Today will be another day spent keeping out of the way of the builders. A few hours more planning for next term then a good long walk sounds a good idea.
  19. Why , are they feeling ruff.?
  20. I thought that too. Apparently there are 150,000 employed in the oil industry up there. I don't know how many of those are actually offshore, or what the shift patterns are, but 500 doesn't sound a lot in that context.
  21. BoD

    EBay madness

    That's the worst spell of whether we've had for a long time
  22. It's obvious ........... they've missed out the apostrophe.
  23. Is that before or after the Regatta?
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