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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Morning all I've been up a while, just not really awake. Glad to see DD is posting regularly again..... .....and in fine form too.
  2. I'm hoping to see the Duchess at either Carlisle or Ribblehead depending on the weather. If you see me, wave ......... I'll be the one with a camera.
  3. Carefully ........ very carefully.
  4. When a dear friend died I didn't go to her funeral but went on one of our favourite walks instead. I might have offended some people but it just felt right for me. I got the feeling that she agreed too.
  5. Morning all. Snow tyres? In just 10 weeks the nights start drawing out again. p.s. in 11 weeks Christmas will be over.
  6. Wot she said. That's what they say these days isn't it?
  7. Talking of rabbits, my grandson's pet rabbit escaped from its hutch/enclosure a week ago. A week later it was found about a mile away and taken to the local pet shop where they remembered who bought it and returned it. We now have one very happy grandson but are all amazed that a tame, pet rabbit managed to survive a week in the wild without something 'nasty' happening to it.
  8. So why did you name the station after that singer/songwriter.
  9. Is it one of those orange and black ones?
  10. I have posted from such exotic places as an armchair, the study and even once from bed ...... ..... and before you ask, no, I'm not posting any photos.
  11. Only with two sigma levels of confidence.
  12. That would be the in twine net then.
  13. I always found it a load of booleans.
  14. I have made a number of transfers in recent weeks without any problems or any questions asked. They were not particularly large but all well over the £1000 mentioned. Perhaps I have an honest face. If ever I were asked for photo ID I would struggle. I have an old fashioned driving licence and no current passport. I do have a handkerchief with my initial on though.
  15. Rumour has it that 12 became involved in counting systems via the Ancient Egyptians who counted on just one hand. They used their thumb to count off the spaces between the joints on the four fingers. Try it. Four fingers x three joints = 12. What they were doing with their other hand at the time I don't know. Edit: can't spell Egyptian
  16. By, mention of those 'red exercise books' doesn't half bring back the memories. I'm size 10 so I must be metric. ... unless it means I'm binary because I'm two footed - but thats imperial. I'm confused.
  17. Only because the weather is getting colder. Having said that, it would appear that DD is still having his trials and tribulations. Unless he's already lost in France.
  18. BoD

    EBay madness

    ..... And according to his blurb it will be 'a great item for your collection'. I've got a great collection of tortoise motors, all mint and some kit built. (I've even got a couple in Network Rail yellow). He obviously has a template for his items but a bit of thought for each wouldn't come amiss.
  19. Do you mean you have changed names to protect the innocent? So who is really 'Lucky the Lab'? Do we know these elegant women? The mystery deepens
  20. Dummy? Some people have no sense of adventure.
  21. I like my shorts to reach my ankles.
  22. Hope it's appropriate to say enjoy yourself Ian. I not, best wishes for whatever it is.
  23. I think that says it all really.
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