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Everything posted by BoD

  1. What a coincidence, you two have picked the same lottery numbers as me.
  2. Agree with LNER4479 on both counts. My attempt at 'Derby Gothic' was let down by the use of generic window bars - there was no way I was going to attempt it with styrene and 'York' wasn't around then. I guess you probably know but Scalelink do a suitable etched bargeboard.
  3. I still wouldn't let Tony stand on it though.
  4. What an exciting life you lead Tony. Right on the edge.
  5. Sounds more like his door is open but his light is out. p.s. bluddy trick or treats
  6. I'm sure someone wiser will come along DD. but Flying Scotsman had a series of different numbers throughout it's life. 502 only happened fr a few months in I think 1946. The most recent livery in which it was re-painted was wartime black so I'm guessing ths particular number was done then.
  7. I fancied a wander down to see the Hartlepool flask train pass. Checked the timings only to find it running 75 early. Should have checked earlier. D'oh. One for Beast's 'Oops missed it' file.
  8. Can I phone a friend? Or shall we ask the audience?
  9. Ian As Dylan Thomas would say - a bittersweetfunny post. There's not a button to click for that otherwise I would have done so.
  10. Many happy returns Dominic.
  11. Strange! DD has a holiday in Spain and Fance and then...... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-24746539
  12. I see David Beckham is launching a new book and American Major League Soccer team. Is there no end to this man's talents? Someone should try to explain the meaning of history to him.
  13. When discussing baseboards I always fine the word 'lightweight' most appealing. Speaking of model railways (I didn't start it, by the way) more news on the layout. You may remember that, after an archaeological dig in the loft, I unearthed some long buried, disused rails. Following these rails to source I found two wires (it is DCC after all) and surprisingly, when re-connected all worked well. Actually one point motor and associated sidings didn't work but re- attaching a couple of floating wires sorted that. I'm really glad I fully documented the wiring. I have just spent an hour sending a variety of locos pottering here and there - without rhyme or reason - just for the sheer hell of it. After a good few weeks (or was it months) of forced abstinence I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  14. BoD

    EBay madness

    If I put together all of the crap I threw out last time I tidied up it would make a better lot than that.
  15. ...... but wouldn't you have to do the first half just to get to the start?
  16. Glad to see you back safe and sound DD. I think it was yesterday or the day before I wondered if you had actually arrived in Spain. I saw the 'Calais 7, Calais 6' signs last time I was there. I remember thinking what an exciting local derby match that must have been. Today, I am told, I have been accessorising the bathroom and kitchen. I thought I had been shopping.
  17. Morning all Seems quiet this morning We can't all be on half term.
  18. Light winds and no rain at all today. Just thought I'd let you know.
  19. Have just ventured up into the loft which was quite heavily affected by the re-wiring etc. Started tidying, cleared away a pile of old loft insulation and cable, moved a load of junk around, hoovered up two Hoover bags of dust and, why ya bugga, there's some track and trains under there. .
  20. Blimey, it must be bad if Wiltshire is now a shipping forecast area. Seriously though, take care whatever is happening where you are.
  21. Or as one police horse said to the rest.... "Run like **** lads - it's 2-1 to Sunderland"
  22. BoD

    EBay madness

    Why can't it deliver itself?
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