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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Or younger if you or a friend could convince the local grocer/off-licence that you were eighteen. Some didn’t take much convincing at all. Forbidden fruit and all that. I understand that things are much stricter these days with proof of age ID being commonly requested.
  2. That was the one thanks. Perhaps I imagined seeing it at an exhibition and have just seen that video,
  3. I wonder if they would prefer the scenery either on the right or on the ceiling.
  4. I’m sure I have seen a layout/diorama at an exhibition that had the same train running in three different scales, firstly in the foreground, then middle distance and finally in the background. The whole thing was no more than a few inches deep but very effective.
  5. Like many I would look to the left for the scenery first. I am right handed. I'm guessing that most here read left to right. I wonder if that has, subconsciously, something to do with our choice.
  6. The only other photo I have seen of ADB 975077 suggests that you are correct - although it does show the other side. Photo That could be one for the real thing looks like a model thread too. Probably the angle.
  7. I have been fortunate (or have led a very sheltered life) in that I have never been involved in or seen the aftermath of a bad accident. Furthermore the only dead bodies I have ever seen were ‘planned’ sightings of close relatives at or shortly after the point of death - in, despite the circumstances, not unpleasant or distressing surroundings. For all of which I am most thankful.
  8. Was it black and white and red all over? Sorry folks.
  9. I was once given the cane at junior school for doing just that. It was something that we did at home but at school they thought I was just larking about and making a mess.
  10. … and some of us are even far superior.
  11. Probably eligible to play for them too should they require your services.
  12. So... ... you are posting about and incident banning you for posting about an incident which incidentally isn't and incident and .... Oh, never mind. Just keep posting your photos here. I like them.
  13. Twenty shovelfuls each side and ten under the back door should see you half way up - provided you had a good base to start with.
  14. These days, if any one asks how I am, I just reply ‘bits of me are still ok’.
  15. Is the only reason for having common return to save on wiring or is there something else?
  16. Ormons? Nope, you’ve lost me there.
  17. We have had a couple of nice handwritten letters since though - sent via Royal Mail too rather than hand delivered. Edit Sorry - didn’t realise things had moved on to a new page and others had already mentioned this.
  18. Thank you for this. I’m beginning to understand now some of those strange green things that came from Swindon.
  19. Rather than buy a personalised plate it is much cheaper to change your name by deed poll Yours ND18 SWF
  20. It’s a great feeling when the first loco runs. The trackwork is looking vey neat.
  21. Might the decoder be locked. I’ve not used this myself but this involves CVS 15 and 16 and is explained here. https://dccwiki.com/Decoder_Programming_Lock
  22. I had put my Arduinos and electonickery stuff into store whilst I concentrated on other interests but that might just tempt me to have a bit play.
  23. The BBC microcomputer often had word processing and spreadsheet software on separately purchased ROM chips. One similar auditor we had wouldn’t accept the fact that the software was working as evidence but insisted that each computer be opened up so that he could actually see the ‘chips’ in place.
  24. Morning all World Obesity Day today. So eat and drink as much as you can. Or is that not how it works.
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