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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I think it's a credit to the site that these and other similar incidents are so infrequent that when they do occur they 'make the headlines' as it were.
  2. I'm positive I'm feeling crap.
  3. I suppose the sixth is the one Fergie had added on at the end.
  4. Many happy returns, Ian.
  5. Morning all Hope he little one is ok, Ashers. Some 25 years ago now, I was called from school as my one year old daughter had a problem with one of her lungs. She had been rushed in under blues and twos they were that worried. A harrowing experience but you should see her now! The NHS gets a bad press but 'yet another life saved' or 'another baby makes full recovery' doesn't make headlines.
  6. The North East 2 - Rest of the Country 0. Discuss.
  7. I have been to the Newcastle Exhibition today. At 11o'clock everything stopped. Quite moving.
  8. Your theory is reticulated.
  9. I can use Plastic Weld. Sometimes without spilling it.
  10. Perhaps you should have attended one of their 'well women' clinics, Debs. (I've always wondered but never had the bottle to ask).
  11. Enjoy it Phil. Have you built that loco you bought or is it on the to do list now? Think of all those new chords to learn too.
  12. So sorry to hear of your bereavement Richard. A sad hippo for a time but I'm sure that, before too long, you will be able to remember him fondly and with happiness.
  13. Well it made me smile .......
  14. I would love to get back to my orginal weight......8lb10oz
  15. ...... or who to turn to.
  16. ........ I'm pleased it's only my eyes that are shot.
  17. BoD

    EBay madness

    "RAKE OF 8 BOXES" Priceless
  18. Is that with Latanoprost Richard?
  19. Yes, a big thank you to the optician for referring me. The opticians used the puff of air method. The nurse today numbed my eye then used a device that looked similar to a digital thermometer placed on the eyeball. If it was a thermometer I do hope she washed it first. In amongst all of the other lights the doctor used there was a blue one so I guess he was measuring the pressure too. I'm delighted I didn't have to undergo the bouncing ball method. Like Tony my eyes are hypersensitive. If I see someone ellse doing anything to their eyes mine will start to water in sympathy and I can't bear to have them touched. Even putting the drops in will be a challenge.
  20. Just back from my hospital appointment. I was referred to my doctors and then to the eye infirmary after routine tests at opticians. I felt a bit of a fraud as I felt nothing wrong myself. It turns out that I have ocular hypertension - increased pressure inside the eyeball which could well lead to glaucoma later. My right eye is worse than the left and there is a difference in the optical nerve which needs monitoring. The specialist said I had no need to 'feel a fraud' as these are just the sort of things they like to catch early as they should be able to prevent any further deterioration which will save a lot of hassle later. It does, however, mean that I am likely to need lifetime treatment (daily drops). As someone who has to a large extent managed without medical intervention up to now this came as quite a shock. Still, if it stops me losing sight I'm up for it.
  21. Morning all Return to work delayed by a day for me due to a hospital appointment. That's correct Tony, just the one. I guess Neil knows that too.
  22. Thoroughly enjoyable trip across to the Lake District today. All four seasons in one day. Strong winds early on then vey heavy squally showers mixed with glorious sunshine. Snow on the high fells. When the sun was out the autumnal colours were stunning. To cap it off though, a heavy hailstorm so intense that the ground looked covered with snow even at low levels. One for the trivia buffs amongst us. How many lakes are there in the Lake District?
  23. Morning all. Off for a run over to the Lake District this morning. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
  24. Welcome back Don. It's snowing quite heavily on the Scottiish hills.
  25. Had to chuckle this morning whilst leafing through the Lidl christmas brochure included with the morning paper. It is full of pictures of Christmas fare. Really warming in a spicy red and green sort of way, bringing to mind memories of family Christmases past. Then you come across the Luxury Diced Reindeer. I can just imagine serving that to the grand kids for Christmas lunch.
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