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Everything posted by BoD

  1. All this talk of Rick Wakeman prompted me to have a quick blast of Jouney to the Centre of the Earth. It's a good while since I have listened to it. Mrs Bod is out for he evening so I fear the volume may have erred a tad on the loud side of what is normally acceptable. Now for a bit organ music or perhaps one of Duarte Lobo's requiems. Do you remember the time when it was compulsory, or so it seemed, to have an 'on my stereo' at the end of every post?
  2. I love organ music. I started to say that the local vicar would let me play with his organ but knowing ERs I thought I better rephrase it. The local vicar let me play/practise on the local church organ as much as I wanted provided that I would step in for weddings or funerals if their regular organist was unavailable or double booked. Now I have to make do with an occasional bash on an electronic keyboard. It is quite good quality but obviously it just can't compare with the physical presence of a pipe organ. Many (many) years ago I was lucky enough to have a go on a theatre Wurlitzer. That was an experience too.
  3. Enjoying thunder and lightning at he moment. The last flash was very close, almost at exactly the same time as the thunder which set various bits and pieces rattling. I love a good electric storm.
  4. With a decent model railway club too ........ or so rumour has it. I wonder if they will be asked to do anything cultural for 2017.
  5. What? Hull beat Dundee? The home of Desperate Dan, The Broons and Oor Wullie? Have these people no idea about culture?
  6. Morning all I haven't looked outside yet but it's raining. I guess it must be above freezing, so no frost scraping this morning.
  7. Are the wise men following on the camel train?
  8. I wonder if all is well with Mike (sixoh8sixoh) It is a while since we have heard fom him. Perhaps this independence mallarky is keeping him and his minister busy.
  9. I play with my iPad while Mrs Bod gets to play with the iRon.
  10. Morning all Thanks for the support. As is usual in cases like this I managed little sleep until about an hour or so ago when I fell into a deep sleep - just in time to be woken again when Mrs Bod started moving about. Still, I've nothing to do today except plan tomorrow's work so I expect I will keep falling asleep during
  11. Cough, cough, cough...... Atishoooooooo..........
  12. My man flu is following it's usual pattern for day three and has settled on my chest. It's a case of, lie trying to get to sleep for five minutes, spate of coughing, lie trying o sleep for two minutes, spate of coughing, lie trying ........ well you get the picture. I have removed myself to a reclining chair, sitting more upright seems to ease it and at least that way Mrs Bod can get some sleep. It's going to be a long night. Perhaps a glass of whisky might anaesthetise it for a while.
  13. BoD

    EBay madness

    There's an extra 0 on his username too. Perhaps he has a sticky keyboard.
  14. That's a-maize-ing. Well someone had to.
  15. If that were me I think I'd insist on William or Bill or Mabel or Daphne or.........
  16. Me not working well today either.
  17. If you are going up the Durham coast route give me a wave as you pass by.
  18. As long as there's a restaurant there I don't mind.
  19. When reading today's paper I had to look up eschatological. What are things coming to?
  20. I'm glad you mentioned that.
  21. Because, despite everything that's happened to you this year, you aren't totally desensitised, you are still quite a nice bloke underneath, even if you don't like to admit it. Either that or you've caught that 24hr political correctness bug that has been doing the rounds.
  22. I managed an 'O' level in Engineering Drawing. It means I can now foul things up precisely and accurately rather than just by guesswork.
  23. Yep, somebody dropped by to vent their spleen. I think it was something to do with some of the earlier shenanigans I'm not sure why they should choose to honour ERs with the contents of their spleen. Perhaps they mistook us for someone important.
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