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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I don't know about p'zazzzzzzz but the tree in Stockton certainly challenges for the worst
  2. *Face palm* I hope we aren't going to milk this.
  3. Which begs the question.... ....... just how did he smuggle it out?
  4. Advent? Must dig out four wire coat hangers and some tinsel and make up my Blue Peter advent crown. Nurse says I'm not allowed candles. I'm off to watch Newcastle Falcons v Harlequins rugby this afternoon. It's the first time I've been to a live premiership rugby game and I'm really looking forward to it.
  5. Isn't that how they planned the railways back then?
  6. BoD

    EBay madness

    Be fair, be fair ........ you can save money if you buy more than one.
  7. BoD

    EBay madness

    Probably not the place to start this discussion but who is legally responsible for the descriptions? Can e-bay escape the law simply by saying the description is the sellers responsibility and not theirs?
  8. I know how he feels. Seriously, I hope it is just a general malaise there's nothing wrong with him.
  9. Have you removed the name of the farm?
  10. I thought in this day and age they would use a mobile bone or an iPawed.
  11. Anyone seen Debs? Hope all is well.
  12. It's still a hell of a long way for him to push his new golf trolley though.
  13. Well I have successfully installed an SSD and HDD in the main computer without blowing either it or me up. Re-installed windows and three years worth of updates have downloaded. I just need to reinstall software and stuff from my backups. This could take a long time. As soon as it's all done I might just look at investing in some sort of ghost imaging software.
  14. Considering it was hit by the Titanic there's not a mark on it.
  15. Or more to the point, a group of ER's
  16. Don't forget to get them to sign a model release form.
  17. I too am very fortunate with my BiL. Not only a relation and my own personal G.P. when I needed advice but also a very good friend. Sadly though, last week he had most of his colon removed and part of the lymph system in that area. He starts chemo as soon as he regains strength. As a parting shot his consultant told him he'd taken out his appendix too 'while they were in there'. I'm about to fit an SSD to the desktop computer. Wish me luck.
  18. I think it might take too long Don. Either that or DD is holding out for the book and film rights.
  19. Are people from Dorking known as Dorkadians? ....or Dorkastrians? Or just pain Dorks?
  20. If weathering be the food of love, spray on ....... .... but don't give excess of it. Morning all
  21. Oh no - not another ruddy wish list.
  22. Since I started wearing hearing aids I appreciate music more. My deafness was brought on by measles as a child and so I have a characteristic lack of response over certain frequencies. I didn't know this until I was tested only recently. My hearing aids act as mini graphic equalisers in my ears as well as a general boost in hearing. Having said that I have never been one for top hi-fi gear, I guess because, without knowing why, I could never appreciate it fully.
  23. I know it's an overused word nowadays but that really was awesome. It just reinforces the view that pipe organs are such wonderful beasts. That one also looks as majestic as the building for which it was built.
  24. I don'tr think I've ever had an entire torso resonance experience ..... although my trouser legs have flapped about a bit with sympathetic vibration.
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