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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I'm still trying to work out if this is for real or not. Still funny though. Don't look if easily offended
  2. From mopeds to inside legs via Noel Coward, Eric Clapton and the opticians whilst singing a rugby anthem. ...and all on one page. Only in ERs....
  3. I thought Gordon would have had a more 'I belong to Glasgow/Where's your trousers' sort of childhood.
  4. Will you have you New Year's party next week?
  5. BoD

    EBay madness

    Which one shall we hang?
  6. BoD

    EBay madness

    ....... and why would anything we say here stop their 'antics'?
  7. I'm not too sure todays 'consumers' would be happy with graphics made up from the characters on an impact printer though.
  8. Dunno about all of these fancy programming languages but we managed to print out a life size picture of Raquel Welsh on fanfold paper.
  9. Must be something doing the rounds. I had a jippy stomach and didn't get to sleep until about half an hour before the alarm It's still a bit iffy so I may have to 'dash' from my class this morning. I made a point of not filling my time during the night by watching the cricket.
  10. In every decoder there is some magic smoke. It's how they work. They don't work if you let the magic smoke out.
  11. Dressed in green? Working with Santa? Wow!!! Debs is an elf.
  12. You don't see many psychics winning the lottery either.
  13. It has been decided that I am turning into a grumpy old git. I tend to agree.
  14. Why would farming neighbours want to shoot cattle droppings .......PULL ...... Does anyone know what the usual ER content actually is?
  15. It's all been quiet on Wearside for a while now. It's true what they say though - when you are at the bottom things never go your way.
  16. I wonder if anyone was daft enough to use the car park at Arnside?
  17. Morning all We are beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel as far as the house goes. After all it has been only three and a half months!!!! The decorator finished yesterday. I am quite happy to decorate one room at a time as they need doing but I baulked at the whole house in one go, especially as we have high nine foot whatever walls. We had just rearranged all of the dust created by the rewire/replaster when the decorator sanded everything and created a new layer of dust. We need to rearrange this before the new carpets are laid in the week before Christmas. I may get up into the loft on Christmas Eve to get the decorations down. This, of course, will create another layer of dust.
  18. Wonder if 'Bobby' has managed to stop that train yet?
  19. Albert does seem fond of an occasional snooze.
  20. Morning all. Starting to rock here too. I was hoping to pop out and see Bittern after school but there are all sorts of restrictions in place on the ECML so I will have to keep an eye on the timings. Wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't running. I don't think it will be running at 90 as many we're looking forward to. Edit: the train set off from Bristol on time but Bittern doesn't take over until York. It's north of there where there are problems.
  21. It used to be the 'most wonderful time of the year'* and (call me a sentimental old fool if you wish) but for me there is a certain point, usually on Christmas Eve, when the shops are all closed and the commercialisation is over, that it becomes that again. *other quotes are available.
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